
Many times over we have heard, seen and been part of the eve worsening traffic situation in the metropolis. Those in-charge keep reassuring us that this is only temporary.  They say that the horrendous traffic we're all having to go through today is a minor inconvenience we have to put up with for better road and traffic conditions in the near future.  This has been the same song they've been singing, terribly off-key I might add, for the past years.

The problem is, these people, who sit in the lofty places we were foolish enough to put them in, have made it a habit to never tell us the absolute truth; and that is, that they have no clue how to solve the traffic situation.  They keep spinning reality day in and day out that they've reached the point that they actually believe they've got the voting public convinced that everything coming out of their mouths is the truth.  Unfortunately for them, majority of the citizens of the metropolis are smarter now.

Take for instance the bold statement made by the main city's boss. His blatant claim that the move to remove the center island along the stretch of road named after a recently canonized pope has nothing to do with upcoming international events is just about as honest as a teenager going through puberty saying he's never had wet dreams.  Come on! The timing? The urgency? Only a person who intentionally wants to be an idiot would believe this guy's story.

I couldn't recall a time when road repair or road widening truly solved traffic problems. For a moment, people would be led to believe that the road repair that was done had solved the problem. Of course it would seem that way.  When a multi-lane road that has been converted to a single lane for months to a year due to horribly slow road repair is suddenly restored to its former capacity, motorists would be made to believe that the problem was solved.  But when things start settling down, traffic will again build up and everyone will realize that the repair didn't really solve anything.

The city heads should man up and realize that they're not fooling anyone with all the cosmetic surgery they are doing to the city streets. Proper traffic management is the solution.  The cities cannot just allow the traffic management group to handle the traffic situation like a kindergarten class during playtime; only reprimanding those who get into a traffic situation. The traffic management group need to knuckle up and start cracking whips.

Motorists don't have to get involved in a collision to be held accountable for their driving habits. They have to be reprimanded for driving habits which violate traffic laws.  Take for example, sitting on the pedestrian lane while waiting for the light to turn green.  That is a traffic violation.  Crossing yellow lines to overtake another vehicle is another violation.  I could go on and on with bad habits that many motorists are getting away with.

All this is happening because the traffic division doesn't want to do their job. Argue with me all you want, but all I need to do to prove my point is stand at the corner of any intersection in any of the cities. I'll guarantee you, you'll see more traffic infractions in a day than the total number of citations the traffic enforcement group would give out in a year.  And unless that drastically changes, we are looking at traffic conditions only getting worse.

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