Leaving a legacy

It is said that life is as pulsating as death. Everyone of us when we leave this world shall have to leave a legacy to those whom we will leave behind. Hence, Charles H. Spurgeon remarks, "A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved and were helped by you will remember you when forget — me not have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble."

If there is one person that has always been a part of me was my late aunt, Cirila Uy Sy. I started my Bible journey with her in my grade school with her Sunday school. It was on those classes that I have witnessed how marvelous are the Bible stories. The character seemed so real that I was mesmerized every time the Biblical stories were unfolded before our eyes. My aunt was such a great storyteller.

My mother Antonia Uy de los Reyes taught me and my other siblings how powerful prayer is. We always said the rosary before bedtime. We thank the Lord on His goodness and kindness. We also had bedtime stories. She unraveled our imagination through her fairytales stories, especially with the climax, "And they live happily ever after."

My mom also was an example, that one's budget can be stretched without borrowing money from relatives or other people. The four of us graduated from college where mom owed no one.

John Gordon in his "Weekly Letter," has his own tips on how to leave a legacy. He mentioned the following:

• A legacy of excellence. Saint Francis of Assisi said, " It's no use walking anywhere to preach your preaching  in your walking." To leave a legacy of excellence, strive to be your best every day. As you strive for excellence you inspire excellence for others. You serve as a role model for your children, your friends and your colleagues. One person in pursuit of excellence raises the standards and behavior of everyone around them. Your life is your greatest legacy and since your only have one life to give, give all you can.

• A legacy of purpose. People are more energized when they are using their strength and talent for a purpose beyond themselves. To  leave a legacy of purpose, make your life about something bigger than you. While you're not going  to live forever you  can live  through the legacy you leave and the positive impact you make in the world.

• A legacy of encouragement.  You have a choice. You can lift others up or bring them down. You can lift others up or bring them down. Who will you encourage today? Be that person to call someone to give encouragement.  It can truly make one's day when you encourage your loved ones or other people whom you crossed path with.

• A legacy of love. I often think about my mom, who passed away a few years ago. I couldn't recall her faults, mistakes, or any disagreement with her. After all, no one is perfect. But What I remember most about her was her love for me.  She gave me a legacy of love that I now share with others. Share a legacy and it will embrace your generation to come.

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E-mail: kathey_oyson@yahoo.com.

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