Runnr and iStore to launch 4th edition of run clinic

CEBU, Philippines - Runnr  and iStore will be launching this year’s fourth edition of Runnr Academy slated to start October 30 at the Active Zone, Ayala Center Cebu.

Runnr Academy is a free running clinic organized by Runnr and Ayala Center Cebu. The running clinic is now on its third year and has helped more than 1,000 runners run efficiently and injury free as they participate in fun runs, half-marathons, full marathons and even triathlons.

One of the runners who benefited from attending Runnr Academy is Arnold Ouano. He ran in last month’s Cebu Milo regional elimination race and finished the 21k with plenty to spare. “Before Runnr Academy my best time for 21K was 2:38. This time, I made it to the finish in 2:08 which was way ahead of my cut-off time of 2:30, and I finished fresh.”

For this fourth edition, Runnr is partnering with iStore, an Apple Premium Reseller, to put a twist on the event. There will be a help desk put up by iStore at each Runnr Academy session to answer questions about iOS devices and applications and help runners get the most out of their iOS devices for health and fitness needs.

“We’re excited to be working with Runnr again. iStore has sponsored the Runnr Academy some years back but this time we will be taking a more active role in the event. We aim to help runners and fitness enthusiasts optimize and get the most out of their runs with their iOS devices.” says Chezka M. Yap, Marketing and Training Manager for iStore. 

Runnr Academy starts at 7 pm every Wednesday at Active Zone. It runs for five Wednesdays with participants receiving certificates after completing all the five sessions. Successful participants will also get a lifetime discount from Runnr. 

The first hour of the running clinic is a discussion on running topics and the next hour is a paced 5k run around Cebu Business Park. Paced runs are runs with pacers and sweepers for the safety of runners.

Haide Acuna (lawyer and ultra-marathoner), Pio Solon (certified strength and conditioning coach), Dr. Renald Ramiro (dean of the college of rehabilitation medicine of Cebu Doctors University) and Raffy Osumo (seasoned runner and running consultant of Runnr) are the lecturers during the running clinic.

Close to sixty runners completed the third batch of Runnr Academy this year. They received their certificates in a simple graduation ceremony on October 9. Some runners of this batch, before they could graduate, ran in Cebu Milo elimination and finished within the cut-off time. Others are eyeing to run their first full marathon during the Cebu City Marathon in January 2014.

Registration is free but participants will be limited to 100 runners. (FREEMAN)

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