
Environmental awareness has never been stronger than ever.  It is one of the most important concerns of the modern-day world. The onslaught of global warming and the deteriorating quality of the environment has pushed mankind to search for safe and renewable natural energy.

It is now a fact that one of the biggest contributors of air pollution is the century-old internal combustion engine.  The harmful gases and metal particles released by these engines have been proven to cause environmental hazards as well as human health disorders such as respiratory diseases. It is somehow common knowledge that mankind is 100% dependent on fossil fuel and replacing it would be a long, slow process.

 Scientists have spent two decades figuring out which road to take in harnessing the best renewable - alternative energy in this planet.  Hybrids cars, the initial reaction to the clamor, have been deemed by critics as a quick fix as it still uses the same internal combustion engine to aid an electric motor. The more recent hybrids let you plug the car at home for better charging and longer “electric-driven” hours. Yet critics say it’s just like a smoker consuming 10 sticks a day instead of 20.

The scientists representing the various carmakers are still working on what would be the ultimate answer to the call for cleaner emissions - the hydrogen car. Imagine a car that runs on the most abundant chemical substance on earth. It’s non-toxic, odorless but highly combustible. Two types of this concept have been developed. The first type is the Internal Combustion Hydrogen Engine.  This approach uses the same old principle of the Gasoline Internal Combustion Engine by compressing gaseous or liquid hydrogen to power combustion engines. The second type is a more complicated approach involving gas and kinetic reactions to form an electric charge that powers a battery that in turn drives the electric motors. These are called “hydrogen powered fuel cell cars.” 

Yet this idea has been in the drawing boards and testing tracks for about two decades already and it has not really gone down to the production stage.  Why? The cost incurred in preparing hydro fuel cells is extremely high as making them involves special conductors like platinum, which is scarcely found and is very expensive.  Expensive Hydrogen cells are for the moment, not durable enough to be practical. Hydrogen is highly volatile and flammable; the slightest collision to its storage tanks can cause a huge explosion. Another major problem encountered by scientist in the use of hydrogen is that hydrogen powered cars will have some weather-temperature restrictions. At places where the temperature goes below freezing point, chances are, water content in the fuel cells may freeze.  At places where extreme heat is present, it may evaporate.

Politics also plays part in this slow progress of finding the ideal alternative to fossil fuels. Our dependence on oil is so severe; almost anything is linked to energy harnessed through fossil fuel.  Its roots can be traced back to the early days of JP Morgan to the oil monopoly of the Middle East.  It’s a zillion dollar business, you just can’t simply turn off the pumps….

With the advancements in the Hybrid Cars, somehow it looks as though for now the electric cars offer more immediate and affordable solutions compared to the Hydrogen Cars.

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