The new but the same kid in town

Everybody's talking about the new kid in town or so the old song goes -- the new addition to the list of economic tigers in Asia. And all roads lead to this tiny part of the world having the best performing stock market that any investor could ever want. Hordes are also coming not only to put their money here, but are here to look around and spend some of it to find out what we mean by "It's more fun in the Philippines."

The Philippines is now the apple of the eyes in Southeast Asia because this once upon a time "sick man" of the region is already a changed man. Rosy, vibrant and growing. The land that used to be the reason for the exodus of many of its own people is already fast becoming the promised land for others. The Philippines is no longer a country of wishful thinkers but a country full of hope and opportunity. At least if the numbers are to be believed -- growth rate, tourist arrivals, and stock performance.

But not everyone shares what the government thinks. The bullish indicators that the government is habitually “numbers-dropping,” are, bull droppings to some of us. They are insignificant for those who have no numbers to show in their bank accounts or what’s in their pockets. They are but just numbers that do not count at all when it comes to food on the table, shelter, and health needs. For many Filipinos, we have yet to assimilate what these numbers mean to them, more so to the 1 of 4 Filipinos who strive to live for a dollar a day.

But whatever these numbers mean, what's important is we have these numbers. They may or may not be exciting for some people, but at least we have something to ponder on and extrapolate from. However, I also share the view that government is not using these numbers the way they are ought to be. They use these numbers to brag what they have accomplished or to feign that we are alright. I believe that we have to take these numbers with respect to their impact to the greatest number and their relationship to their own state of economy on an individual basis.

For most of the time, we use these numbers for PR and marketing. While we do need to PR sometimes to invite foreign capital or to encourage people to work hard, but it is also our duty to make a full disclosure that these numbers are not for all to benefit. The positive outlook in our stock market, growth in our GDP and tourism, may herald that money is coming, but it is not coming for everyone. We can only hope that those who will stand benefit from it all will eventually share it in whatever form. 

It’s sickening that we get to see these numbers all the time telling us that “Hey, we’re doing good.” We’ve heard them before one administration after another but we see and hear different stories from people who use the esteros for a home; the countless others including children who cannot afford a decent meal or even a pair of rubber sandals to go to school. I mean, what do these numbers really represent? Why do we highlight them so much whenever we talk about our economic condition?

I think that the new kid in town is not really that new kid that everybody was talking about. We are still that old familiar kid trying to be cool in order to find acceptance from or get listed with the “who’s who” in the neighborhood. We are that sosyalera, with tons of dirty laundry behind, trying to blend in parties in order to rub elbows with the rich and famous.

I believe that we do not need to present those numbers for us to look good in the eyes of the world or to lure investors to place their bets on us, or to seek acceptance from our trading partners. We should not be afraid or be ashamed to tell our story that we are still coping as a country and that it is an opportunity for our foreign partners to give a lift.

We have a long journey ahead and we need help. We all need the help we can get to bring everyone to the other side of the river. But please don’t tell the Filipino people that we are okay because of your numbers and all. Because we are not. Many are still behind in this journey – what needs to be done is not your play with numbers but your honesty to face the problem the way our ordinary Filipinos face them every single day.

If P-Noy draws strength from the Filipinos, he must also strengthen the Filipinos first to help him move forward.

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