Cebuano yuppies tap Aussie capitalist for BPO business

CEBU, Philippines - Young Cebuano entrepreneurs have entered into the promising outsourcing business, in partnership with an Australian investor to seize the growing need for offshore services specifically from the north American market, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

Kino Sarabosing, Bennet Cabaron, and PJ Celso established the One GlobalSupport Business Solutions, in partnership with Australian capitalist Jeff Hausler, with over 100 seat  capacity to accommodate voice and non-voice services, technology, creative and learning solutions to service clients in a 24/7 cycle all over the world.

In a press conference, Hausler expressed confidence of the Philippines’ growing economy, saying the “future for University graduates in the next 10 years is promising.”

Hausler said Cebu’s good pool of talents prompted him to invest in the outsourcing sector here, while other giant BPO companies around the world are also looking at the Philippines, especially Cebu as target destination.

Sarabosing who has been in the BPO industry, having worked with big names in the outsourcing sector in the Philippines for years said, there is a huge opportunity for local talents, and investors to capitalize in the outsourcing business.

Although, the company will also handle voice-related services, it has put its core competence mostly in the back-office works, or those that are included in the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO).

Aside from the web-design services, graphic arts and design, the company will also set up virtual ESL (English as Second Language), and IELTS (International English Language Test System) reviews.

At present, One GlobalSupport is in negotiation with accredited schools in ESL an IELTS to partner with them and offer the virtual side of the business.

The facility is located at the Crown 7 IT Building, in Mabolo, and now it initially has 20 employees, Sarabosing said the company is has prepared over 100 production seat to accommodate the growing demand for their services.

One GlobalSupport is now also working with Australian-based companies, like the and marketing.arm to bring in more clients to the company, said Sarabosing.

“I am confident of our local talent as well as the  IT infrastructure and power facilities; Cebu is a prime location. The culture and its people are steeped in tradition but is always looking forward and moving forward,” said Sarabosing.

Australian capitalist, Hausler, is an accountant by profession, who has worked in Papua New Guinea and all over Australia as well as the Philippines. He currently runs a tour company that goes to Uluru and all around the central AU as well as backpacker/hostel accommodation called Alice Lodge.

Hausler said while the countries in the western continents are in recession, companies now are looking at Asia for their outsourcing needs, and that investment in this field located in the cost-friendly areas like Cebu is promising. (FREEMAN)

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