

A young dreamer on the greens

Jan Veran - Philstar.com
A young dreamer on the greens
Bernard Sinfuego's liking for the sport appears almost instinctual, a natural connection that surpasses the necessity for formal equipment or attire.

ILOILO – Under a gentle drizzle at the Iloilo Golf Club, 10-year-old Bernard Sinfuego can be found barefoot on the putting green, intently chipping golf balls with unwavering focus. The fairways and greens serve as the backdrop for his dreams, dreams that are filled with aspirations of grandeur and emulating his uncle, Richard Sinfuego, a former national team standout and veteran Philippine Golf Tour campaigner.

Golf runs deep in the Sinfuego family. Richard Sinfuego is renowned in local golf circles for his accomplishments and contributions to the sport and the national team. His legacy casts a long shadow, but it also lights a path for young Bernard. The stories of Richard’s journey, his dedication, and his love for the game inspire Bernard every time he steps onto the course.

Despite his tender age, Bernard has a palpable commitment to golf. He spends countless hours on the course, practicing his swings, perfecting his putts, and learning the nuances of the game. Barefoot and unbothered by the elements, Bernard’s connection to the sport seems almost innate, a natural bond that transcends the need for formal equipment or attire.

Watching the participants in the Junior Philippine Golf Tour Iloilo Visayas Series, Bernard dreams of one day joining them. Despite being pushed out of school due to poverty, he remains hopeful. The JPGT, a prestigious platform known for nurturing young talents, could be his stepping stone to a future in professional golf.

The Pilipinas Golf Tournaments Inc.-organized series provides young golfers with essential exposure and competition, helping them hone their skills and chase their dreams. Bernard’s dedication and passion for the sport drive him to overcome his challenges, aiming to secure a place among the young talents in the JPGT someday.

Every chip shot, every putt, and every moment spent on the golf course brings Bernard one step closer to his dreams. His journey is a mix of hard work, inspiration drawn from his uncle, and an unyielding passion for the game. The support from his family, coupled with his own determination, paints a promising picture of what the future might hold.

As Bernard continues to practice and grow, the vision of following in his Uncle Richard’s footsteps becomes clearer. His story is one of inspiration, showcasing how passion, dedication and familial legacy can drive a young individual towards greatness. With its challenging layout, the Iloilo Golf Club, formerly the Santa Barbara Golf Course, the first golf club in the country and the oldest existing golf course in Southeast Asia, stands as the silent witness to the making of a potential golf star.

Bernard is just one of many kids who sneak out from under the trees, golf clubs in hand, to pull off shots, unmindful of where the ball will land. For most of them, golf is simply fun. But for Bernard, it represents a chance to escape the doldrums and step into the limelight. With every swing, he dreams of a future where his passion for golf can lift him out of poverty and into a world of opportunities.

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