

PBA All-Stars promise competitive game

Ralph Edwin Villanueva - Philstar.com
PBA All-Stars promise competitive game
Japeth Aguilar (25) and Mark Barroca (14)
PBA Images

MANILA, Philippines -- Expect a competitive PBA All-Star game in Bacolod this weekend, as Japeth Aguilar and the rest of Team Japeth aim to go back-to-back on Sunday.

Aguilar captained the team that won the PBA All-Star game last year in Passi, Iloilo.

This year, the 6-foot-9 forward is once again leading a group against a Mark Barroca-captained squad.

The two teams will be facing each other on Sunday.

At a press conference in Bacolod on Thursday, Aguilar said that he will try to will his All-Star team to back-to-back victories.

“Of course, we need to defend our win last year. So, although the coach [of the other team] is now new, Coach Jorge [Gallent,] we will try our best to go back-to-back,” Aguilar told reporters in Filipino.

Team Japeth will be coached by Ginebra head coach Tim Cone.

The team is composed of Aguilar, Paul Lee, Calvin Oftana, Jamie Malonzo, Chris Newsome, Don Trollano, Marcio Lassiter, Arvin Tolentino, Mav Ahanmisi, Stanley Pringle and Terrence Romeo, as well as replacement players RR Pogoy and Aris Dionisio.

Pogoy and Dionisio replaced injured players Tyler Tio and Scottie Thompson.

The squad will also reportedly miss Christian Standhardinger.

“We’re gonna look forward to just enjoy our time here, just enjoy the city of Bacolod and in the upcoming game on Sunday, I am inviting you all to watch. Last year was a competitive game, hopefully this year will also be competitive,” Aguilar added.

For his part, Barroca said his crew, bolstered by June Mar Fajardo, Jason Perkins, CJ Perez, Robert Bolick, Jio Jalalon, Ian Sangalang, James Yap, Calvin Abueva, Jayson Castro, Gabe Norwood, Ricci Rivero, Cliff Hodge, Juami Tiongson and Nards Pinto, will do its best against their foes.

“Of course, we want to win. We will do our best because we want to compete at a high level,” Barroca said.

“We want the All-Star here in Bacolod to be special, so we will try our best to win the game,” he added.

“We will maximize our time here, and we will showcase what we can showcase for the people here. Expect that this coming Sunday, we will give our best, 100%.”

On Saturday, the All-Star festivities will have the skills competition and the rookies/sophomores/juniors game.

The skills competition will have the obstacle challenge and the bigs’ and guards’ 3-point shootout.

On Sunday, the PBA Shooting Stars will be at 5:15 p.m., with the All-Star game at 6:30 p.m.

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