Wesley remains at joint 3rd after another draw

MANILA, Philippines – Wesley So settled for another draw, this time against Russian Evgeny Tomashevski in 40 moves of an English Opening to remain tied at third after 10 rounds of the Tata Steel Chess Masters in Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands Wednesday night.

It was the fourth-seeded So’s ninth straight draw since he toppled Dutch GM Anish Giri in the opening round.

So now has 5.5 points but fell 1.5 points behind solo leader GM Magnus Carlsen of Norway and another point off American GM Fabiano Caruana of the US.

Carlsen halved the point with Giri in 34 moves of a Queen’s Gambit Declined while Caruana, who with So will banner the US campaign in the Chess Olympiad this year, crushed Chinese GM Wei Yi in 32 moves of a Ruy Lopez.

So will next face Ukrainian GM Pavel Eljanov, who also has 5.5 points together with Chinese GM Ding Liren.     

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