Bullpups upstage Jr Tigresses, keep girls volley plum

MANILA, Philippines - Faith Nisperos delivered in the deciding set as National University won its second consecutive girls crown by outlasting University of Santo Tomas, 25-23, 14-25, 23-25, 26-24, 15-8, on Saturday in the UAAP Season 78 high school volleyball tournament at the Adamson University gym.

Nisperos, last season’s MVP, scored back-to-back aces to give the Bullpups a 7-4 lead midway in the deciding set and never looked back to complete a two-game sweep of the best-of-three title series.

The Junior Tigresses, who won the championship two seasons ago, failed to avenge last year’s finals loss.

As a consolation for UST, Eya Laure was named the tournament MVP while her teammate Det Pepito took home the Best Receiver honors.

NU had the most number of individual awardees with Rookie of the Year winner Thea Gagate, Best Blocker Sheena Toring and Best Setter Joyme Cagande.

De La Salle-Zobel also won awards courtesy of Best Scorer Jules Samonte and  Best Digger Bela Peralta.

Meanwhile, the boys championship opener between NU and defending champion University of the East, which was supposed to be played yesterday, was rescheduled for today at 9 a.m. due to inclement weather caused by Typhoon Lando.

The Bullpups advanced to the Finals outright with a thrice-to-beat advantage after completing a double-round sweep of the eliminations. The second-ranked Junior Warriors, meanwhile, eliminated Far Eastern University-Diliman in the step-ladder semifinals.


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