Zamora grabs lead in Shell Davao chess

MANILA, Philippines - Earl John Zamora swept his first five matches then drew with No. 2 Andre Miguel Jorgio in the sixth round to wrest control in the seniors division while three shared the lead in the juniors play in the 23rd Shell National Youth Active Chess Championship Southern Mindanao leg at SM Davao City, Event Center in Davao over the weekend.

The third-ranked Zamora, an Agusan Institute of Technology standout, trampled Crystal Relacion, Grace Tabudlong, Joerlz Gimony, Justin Olivares and Kenneth Honculada then went for a safe draw with Jorgio to pool 5.5 points heading to the crucial phase of the nine-round Swiss system tournament sponsored by Pilipinas Shell.

Jorgio, from University of Mindanao, also hurdled his first four assignments but was held to a draw by Kenneth Tabada in the fifth to stay behind Zamora with five points, the same output put in by Ben Clyde Castro of Holy Cross of Davao College, Notre Dame of Marbel U’s Michael Gastala, San Pedro College’s James Rhey Bantugan and Tabada of Jose Maria College.

Stung by a fourth round loss to Honculada and a fifth round draw by Dexter Echalico, top seed John Ray Batucan, also of UM, settled for 4.5 points for joint seventh with Janes Caingles, Dhona Yngayo, Honculada and Echalico in the premier 17-20 division.

Shell social investment manager Melanie Bularan and kiddies’ participant Arton Kaell made the ceremonial moves kicking off the tournament.

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