Sta. Lucia Golf Tour opens door to top amateurs

Sta. Lucia Land chairman Vicente Santos (fifth from left) joins hands with the other general managers of the real estate firm’s golf clubs after the launch of the Sta. Lucia Amateur Golf Tour. In photo are, from left, Tom Clemente, Francis Montallana, Raymond Bunquin, Vince Lopez, James Balagtas, Ray Sangil, Elson Alvaran, and tour co-chairs Vince Santos and Jason Robles.  

MANILA, Philippines - Sta. Lucia Land Inc. aims to boost the country’s talent search and development of amateur golf when it stages the reformatted Sta. Lucia Amateur Golf Tour in March.

The redesigned Sta. Lucia tour, with Vincent Santos and Jason Robles as tournament co-chairmen, will feature an open division for the top and upcoming amateurs.

This means that the likes of Princess Superal, Pauline del Rosario, Rupert Zaragosa, and Jobim Carlos, among others, would be able to participate in the five-leg tour.

Sta. Lucia’s newest undertaking is in partnership with the National Golf Association of the Philippines (NGAP), according to Sta. Lucia chairman Vicente Santos.

In fact, the leg from Aug. 13-15 at the Rancho Palos Verdes in Davao will be part of NGAP’s stop in its own Mindanao Amateur Series.

“We recognize the surge of amateur golf and we’d like to be part of the development. It is our way of giving back to the game,” Santos said.

Eagle Ridge in Gen. Trias is the venue for the inaugural leg from March 19-21 to be followed by Summit Point in Lipa City from May 21-23.

It will be the turn of The Orchard in Dasmariñas, Cavite from July 1-3. Beverly Place Golf Club in Pampanga will host the finals from Aug. 26-28.

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