So faces women’s world titlist

MANILA, Philippines - GM Wesley So resumes his title drive in the tough Tata Steel Masters, upbeat of his chances against reigning women’s world champion GM Hou Yifan of China as the event shifts from Wijk an Zee to Rotterdam, the Netherlands for the fifth round.

So pooled 2.5 points after four rounds of the top-level event which took a rest day Wednesday with the Filipino ace now playing for the US Chess Federation hoping to come out strong against Hou in their match being played at presstime.

With one win and three draws, So shares fourth place with Poland’s GM Radoslaw Wojtaszek and is confident to do well against Hou, who with just a point on two draws against two defeats for joint 12th.

Ukraine’s GM Vassily Ivanchuk leads the elite field with 3.5 points.





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