Superchargers, Gems dispute last semis slot

MANILA, Philippines - Big Chill tries to make it two-in-row over a beleaguered Cebuana Lhuillier side today in their rubber match for the last semifinal berth in the PBA D-League Foundation Cup.

The Superchargers trounced the Gems, 72-64, last Thursday to force a sudden death for the fourth semis seat set at 2 p.m. at the Meralco gym. 

“Many are asking if we can win two-in-row against Cebuana. I’m saying it now, we can do it,” said Big Chill coach Robert Sison.

Cebuana beat Big Chill in the elims but the Superchargers played with a lot of confidence the last time out and showed a lot of poise when the Gems appeared on the verge of talking over the game.

“Brian (Heruela) did a good job keeping the team together. His leadership was the key for us in this game. I thought the also stepped up offensively in the closing seconds when the game was on the line,” said Sison of his rugged playmaker.

Big Chill is expecting another stellar performance from Heruela in its bid to join top-seed NLEX, Jumbo Plastic and Blackwater Sports in the next round. He is expected to draw support from Janus Lozada, Jeckster Apinan, Dexter Maiquez and Mar Villahermosa.

But the Gems also vowed to strike back with former pro Bambam Gamalinda and Brian Ilad likely to lead their attack and save the season for Cebuana.


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