Melendres tops PAL Media golf

MANILA, Philippines - Inquirer sports ed Teddyvic Melendres carded a net 74 and fended off Bulletin sports ed Ding Marcelo and Business Mirror’s columnist Al Mendoza to rule the 67th Philippine Airlines Interclub media tournament by four shots in Bacolod last Tuesday.

Melendres’s 74 at Binitin layout in Murcia and net 71 at Marapara course gave him a 36-hole total of 145, beating last year’s champion Marcelo, who also closed out with a 74 for a 149.

Mendoza turned in a 77 for a 152.

It was Melendres’ first victory in the event played during the break of the Seniors and Men’s championships of the annual PAL Interclub.

 The troika each held the lead in the final day until Melendres came through with a par on the 16th and a bogey on the 17th to clinch the title in the event, which featured sports editors, writers and photographers from various papers in the country.


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