Fil-British rookie karter of the year

MANILA, Philippines - Fil British Sean Smith knew right away that he wanted to be a racecar driver the very moment he rode a kart at a race track early this year.

Racing proved so natural for Smith that after only two sessions, he joined his first race at the Batangas Racing Circuit last April and easily placed fourth runner-up in the Formula SL Novice Class.

Several more liters of gas and burned rubber later, Smith placed first runner-up in the Formula SL Novice Super Karting Philippines and third runner-up in the KF3 category of the Asian Karting Open Championship – enough achievements that earned him the Rookie of the Year award.

Smith’s talent did not escape the eyes of veteran driver and his coach Edgen Dy-Liacco.

“Sean has great potential. It was quite evident in the few races we’ve worked together. He is a natural and his talent will surely develop. It would not be surprising for him to be a regular at the podium,” said Dy-Liacco.

Karting was not in the radar of the athletic Smith when he was an elementary student. He was into football in Ateneo and was part of the Midgets’ team that copped the RIFA Championship in 2006. Aside from football, he was also into swimming, fencing and badminton.

But when karting presented itself, it was love at first sight for the 14-year-old Smith. He now wants to become a Formula One driver someday.

Smith is somewhat of a perfectionist as he treats every race with utmost importance. Every race is memorable, but the one that stands out was his fourth race at the Enchanted Kingdom.

“All my races were memorable, but my fourth race in Enchanted Kingdom stood out most. When I was avoiding contact with another driver on the opening lap, it put me into the last position. I had fought back and was in first position going into the last lap until the leading champion attempted to overtake and bumped me from behind and he got penalized and I finished in second place,” Smith said.

His mom was perfectly right for giving him the nickname Rockrapidz.

“My mom always tells me to do my best in everything. My dad (Briton Peter Howard Smith) is regularly away because of his work. I understand completely that he needs to work to be able to support my passion and my family. I became more focused on everything that I do,” Smith explained.



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