Opposition ticket excludes GTK

MANILA, Philippines - Opposition convenor Manny Lopez, the incumbent POC first vice president, said the other day the candidates in the “reform and change” ticket exclude Go Teng Kok who is the only challenger against reelectionist president Jose Cojuangco Jr. in the Nov. 30 polls.

Go, declared persona-non-grata by the POC General Assembly and stripped of recognition as PATAFA president, filed his candidacy when SBP president and ABAP chairman Manny V. Pangilinan announced he would not run for POC president. Go’s candidacy got a boost when the Supreme Court recently upheld a decision by the Pasig Regional Trial Court ruling his expulsion without due process and unconstitutional. Go went to court for redress when he was expelled and the POC sought to dismiss the case.

But Go is not listed in either the Cojuangco or the opposition ticket, making him an unattached independent. Still, Go is undaunted. Tomorrow, the POC election committee led by former Rep. Victorico Chaves will meet to finalize the list of qualified candidates and there is speculation that Go may be disqualified. Go, however, said the Supreme Court ruling penned by Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno in the absence of Justice Diosdado Peralta establishes the legitimacy of his candidacy.

Lopez said the opposition will not field a candidate against Cojuangco but stressed that the campaign for “reform and change” is a strong commitment. “While we respect Mr. Pangilinan’s decision, it doesn’t mean we’re backing down,” said Lopez. “This is not a family affair. We want to make things right for Philippine sports and we need leaders who are selfless. Our campaign manager Mr. Ricky Vargas will lead us in strategizing for the elections.”

The opposition ticket lists Monico Puentevella of weightlifting as reelectionist candidate for POC chairman, Lopez of handball for first vice president, Mayor Abraham (Bambol) Tolentino of cycling for second vice president, Romy Ribano of squash for treasurer, Godofredo Galindez of golf for auditor and for executive board member, Victor Africa of fencing, Generoso Dungo of volleyball, Hector Navasero of baseball and Ernesto Echauz of sailing. The Cojuangco ticket lists Tom Carrasco of triathlon for chairman, Cojuangco for president, Joey Romasanta of karatedo for first vice president, Jeff Tamayo of soft tennis for second vice president, Julian Camacho of wushu for treasurer, former Rep. Prospero (Butch) Pichay of chess for auditor and for executive board member, Dave Carter of judo, Cynthia Carrion of gymnastics, Jonne Go of canoe-kayak and Echauz.

Lopez pointed out that Dungo is qualified to run even if he has served as Philippine Volleyball Federation president for only a year and 10 months because as vice president of the same organization, he served over three years attending as representative to the POC General Assembly. Under Section 12 of Article VII of the POC Constitution and By-Laws, an executive board member must be the president, secretary-general or vice president for at least two years of the NSA which he or she represents.

Lopez also mentioned that the election committee will approve only one candidate from an NSA to run, creating a problem for Tolentino and Pichay who are with the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP). Pichay is NCFP president while Tolentino is secretary-general. “We hope this does not disenfranchise Mayor Tolentino,” said Lopez. “We were surprised that Cong. Pichay filed his candidacy when we thought all along, Mayor Tolentino would be the only candidate from chess.”

The eligibility issues involving Go, Dungo, Tolentino and Pichay will be resolved in tomorrow’s meeting to be attended by Chaves, election committee members Ricky Palou of Ateneo and Br. Bernard Oca of La Salle and POC secretary-general Steve Hontiveros.

Echauz is the only candidate common to both tickets. He represents sailing whose secretary-general Claudio Altura is an ally of former POC president Celso Dayrit, now supporting the opposition.

Go took the POC to task for claiming it has not received a copy of the Supreme Court ruling. “The POC can’t ignore the highest law of the land,” he said. “There is no basis to disqualify my bid to run for president against Mr. Cojuangco. To the POC, why do you have to emphasize in the list of candidates after my name that I am persona-non-grata? What sense are you trying to prove? What you are doing will accumulate more votes for me. Let’s level the field for fair elections.”

Go said the POC can’t hide behind the alleged lie that it has not received a copy of the Supreme Court decision. “The POC is belittling the minds of the people,” he said. “They will surely use that ignorance against my challenge to stop Mr. Cojuangco in the inevitable victory of the people. He cannot fool the people, not anymore. Let us save Philippine sports not by voting for Go Teng Kok but by speaking out our hearts and minds for the betterment of all.”

Go said it is critical for the silent majority to express discontent over the supposed mismanagement of Philippine sports. “Hearing your voices before the POC or in any public forum will help in our campaign to rid the POC of injustices and mismanagement perpetrated by a few privileged individuals,” he said. “Mr. Cojuangco may retain the presidency he so wanted by hook or by crook but it may help him mend his old ways by hearing our collective voices.”

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