Hope CS cops Shakey's girls volley crown

MANILA, Philippines - Mighty Sports-Hope Christian High School swept Holy Family Academy, 25-21, 25-12, 25-15, in the semifinals then wore down University of St. La Salle, 25-19, 21-25, 25-15, 25-21, in the finals to retain the Shakey’s Volley League Tournament of Champions in Davao City recently.

With Desiree Cheng on the firing end, the HCS tossers recovered from a second-set setback as they imposed their will against the Bacolod-based squad in the third set then held sway in the fourth to complete the victory and cap their domination of the ninth staging of the event sponsored by Shakey’s Pizza.

Cheng was later named the best attacker and went on to bag the MVP plum to add to her feat in the NCR leg of the tournament backed by Toby’s, Mikasa and Asics and organized by Metro Sports. Hope mentor Jerry Yee also took the best coach award.

Hope and Univ. of St. La Salle earlier swept the single round elims of their respective divisions with the former surviving a five-set scare from Pajo National High School, 25-15, 25-7, 16-25, 21-25, 15-12, to clinch the top seeding in Pool B.

USLS, on the other hand, demolished Baguio HS, 25-13, 25-18, 25-14, to top Pool A. Hope and USLS posted a pair of sweeps in the crossover semis with the latter repulsing a tough PHS side, 25-12, 25-22, 25-23.

PHS settled for third by edging HFA, 25-23, 23-25, 25-18, 18-25, 15-12. De La Salle-Lipa wound up fifth followed by BHS, New Ormoc City and Davao City National High.

USLS’ Patrisha Kim Rasmo and Ma. Gisella Jessica Tan won the best receiver and best setter awards, while Gretchel Soltones and June Mae Ares of Pajo took the best server and best libero awards, respectively. Mary Angeline Isabelle Cutiongo of HFA was named the event’s best blocker.

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