Bonuses sent to ailing father; fund chess trip

MANILA, Philippines - The incentives for winning medals in last month’s SEA Games will go a long way for top three earners Iris Ranola of billiards, bowler Frederick Ong and chesser Wesley So.

Ranola, who pocketed the 8-ball and 9-ball golds, said she’ll use the P200,000 bonus – the biggest among the 350 athletes who received their checks in simple rites at the PSC Badminton Center – to help defray the cost of the medical treatment of his ailing father Emilio.

“This blessing is just timely for me and my family, I will send it to my family back home in Zamboanga,” said a teary-eyed 35-year-old Ranola in Filipino.

“The money will be a big help for my mother (Leveriza), who retired as a public school teacher to take care of my father, who has stage four throat cancer.

“I will also share some of my winnings with my teammates,” she added.

The 18-year-old So, on the other hand, said he’ll use the P150,000 he received for winning the blitz gold and individual standard silver to finance his trip to the US next year as he resumes his campaign in several top-level tournaments.

“I’ll probably use it when I go to the US early next year,” said So, the youngest Filipino chess GM.

Ong, who pocketed P195,000 for a gold in singles, silver in doubles, masters and team of five a bronze in trio, said he’ll save his earnings for the rainy days.

“I will definitely save it for the lean days,” said the 29-year-old Ong, a marine and aviation underwriter of a popular insurance company in the country.                      

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