Daquigan claims podium finishes in Asian karting

MANILA, Philippines - New FERN-C Racing recruit Xeidrei Daquigan, a 10-year-old Ateneo student, pulled off two podium finishes recently in the second leg of the 2011 Asian Karting Open Championship at the Carmona Racetrack.

It was actually his first race with the team and his second competitive race this season but Daquigan proved he’s ready for the pressures and big challenges with his feat.

He claimed third place in the local Mini-ROK class and fourth in the Cadet SQ Novice division with the support of Placewell International Services Corporation, Gataway Tours Int’l., Delta Star Power and HGD Line Hardware.

“Being with the right team boosted my confidence. It feels good to be with a team that gives you all the encouragement and support. My dad Dexter made sure I’m in good hands and I thank the team for helping me to reach this far though I’m new with it,” said Daquigan.

He actually started 13th on the grid but did a fine job as he passed one karter after another and moved up sixth overall in the combined 10-lap SQ Cadet Novice class.

Running with a fastest laptime of 58.892 seconds, he wrapped up the race in nine minutes, 29.341 seconds.

“If he only joined the warm-up session, his engine could have run faster and push him to a better finish.,” said FERN-C Racing head coach Edgen Dy-Liacco.

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