Baluyut leads AGC monthly winners

MANILA, Philippines - Adones Baluyut fired a gross score of 77 and beat Pelagio Alcantara Jr. in the tiebreak to rule the Architects Golf Club’s monthly tournament’s group one competition held recently at the Royal Northwoods Golf and Country Club.

Baluyut, playing to a nine handicap, amassed 58 points under the Molave scoring format to beat Alcantara who submitted a 78 gross but lost out in the low handicap tiebreak, having a 10 handicap. Jojo Salcedo came in third with gross 87 and net 54 points.

In group two, Henry Wee Ebol emerged champion with 89-54 card followed by Manny Lozano who had 91-53 and Cesar Lim, firing identical 91 gross but with lesser handicap for 52 points.

Other champions were Francis Santaromana (92-55) in Group III, Mike Tomeldan (99-55) in Group IV and Bobby Cheng (99-58) in Group V.

Efren Gonzales beat Sonny Esguerra in the tiebreak for second place in Group III. Also ending up second were Bobby Chua in Group IV and Dan Sabularse in Group V.

Dong Abello wound up third in Group IV and Albert Uy also third in Group V.

The event had Boysen Paints as the major sponsor and Julant-BASF, Monark Equipment, New Pesa Metal Corp., OMSVAC Enterprises Inc., Philflex Wires & Cables, Republic Powdercoat, Samitrade Marble & Granite, Inc., Toto Asia OceaniaPte., Ltd., Wilcon Builders and Columbia Wires & Cables.

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