Transition/Cebu shatters world mark

All government-appointed sports officials will have to tender their courtesy resignations when the new government voted today takes office in July. This will mean a period of transition and a delay in the implementation of sports projects requiring majority approval. For the legislature, will also mean that any pending sports-related legislation in Congress will be suspended, pending the outcome of the respective political fates of its sponsors. Besides, some politicians claim to run on a platform for sports, but succumb to amnesia the moment their posteriors land in their chairs in their new offices.

In terms of the executive branch, this means a transition period for the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC), Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (Pagcor), which is major contributor of the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF), and the Games and Amusements Board (GAB), among others.

In other situations, there is usually a period wherein the new officers and any holdovers from the previous administration find a way to get along, or at least to function. But many times, with regards to PSC programs, it means discontinuation, or even wiping the slate clean.

As the saying goes, “History is written by the winners.”

It is also unavoidable that the personality of the appointee has a major impact on the success of government sports programs. Simple personality conflicts result in poor inter-agency coordination, delayed release of funding, slow implementation of programs or suspension altogether, mud-slinging and finger-pointing in the media.

Worse, they also cause conflicts with national sports associations, and make it inevitable that we do not reach our targets in international sports competitions.

Since everyone in government sports position was appointed by the sitting president’s predecessor, it is unlikely that many will be retained. This is a mechanism that has proven counterproductive more than proactive. And admittedly, some appointments are made as political concessions or to pay back favors. The truly qualified in sports generally are not involved in politics, so it is infrequent to see them shaping policy in an official policy.

Hopefully, the next government will have the vision to see that it’s not always all about themselves.

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Cebu City will soon be home to a new Guinness World Record. At the Cebu Fest over the weekend at the South Reclaimed Property (SRP), organizers launched a total of 125,801 firework rockets in 17 seconds, more than doubling the existing world record. The existing Guinness World Record for “Most Firework Rockets launched in 30 seconds” is 56,405, held by a Dr. Roy Lowry (UK). The attempt was recorded at the 10th British Firework Championship in Plymouth in the United Kingdom on Aug. 16, 2006.

A more recent but as yet unconfirmed contender is Bournemouth and Boscombe Piers, which launched 110,000 rockets in 6.5 seconds on Aug. 20, 2009.

“It was a proud moment for Cebu City. Our efforts at carefully following the specifications set by Guinness World Records for this attempt paid off, said Brian Lim, chairman of the Cebu Fest and owner of Pyroworks, which staged the record-breaking attempt. “We can now proudly say to the world that Cebuanos are more than capable of competing in the pyrotechnic industry worldwide.”

The organizers are now preparing the necessary documentation to submit to Guinness World Records to confirm of the new record. Requirements include video and photo evidence, print and broadcast media reports, witness statements and other data. A faster more expensive option would have been to fly in an official Guinness observer to certify the attempt. But this would have entailed airfare costs from and back to Europe, hotel accommodations, and per diem for the observer and/or his team.

Pyroworks started counting and loading the rockets the day before the attempt, on May 7. They had 16 mother rockets which would carry numerous smaller rockets. Witnesses and experts confirmed the counting and loading process before the launch on Saturday. A digital clock was installed prominently to time the event. For the attempt to be valid, all rockets needed to be launched within 30 seconds. Any rocket launched after 30 seconds would automatically forfeit the attempt. When Cebu broke the Guinness World Record for largest dance class, the requirement was that all participants had to be dancing in unison for 10 minutes.

Previously, Pyroworks had staged performances for the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) opening ceremonies at the Abellana Grand Stand in 2005; annual Sinulog events, and a 30-minute Pyromusical display; the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting and various mall events.

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