Emerald Vinyl cops ABC team crown

MANILA, Philippines - Boy Roldan, Ryan Jalandoon, Lito Zubiri and Loret Talabucon pooled 6504 as Emerald Vinyl Corp. topped the Architects Bowling Club’s second leg circuit 4-man team two weeks event at the Green Valley Bowling Lanes in Pasig City last week.

Boysen Paints, composed of Joan Mendoza, Lito Zubiri, Denis Jalandoon and Frederick Cheuengco, scored 6468 to finish second while the Sika Phils. team of Romy Ochoa, Boy Roldan, May Sabater and Loret Talabucon combined for 6327 to place third in the weekly event sponsored by Boysen and Nation Paints.

Meanwhile, ABC president Romi de Jesus is inviting all licensed architects to join the event held every Tuesday.

Action in the event, backed by Crown Pipes, Supreme Pipes Corp., ABC Phils., Pro Active Pest Control, Stone 2000, Toto, Atlanta Industries, Philflex Wires and Cables, Hocheng Phils. and Lepanto Tiles, resumes at 7 tonight with the staging of the monthly championship for July, also at Green Valley lanes.

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