Rico, Yeo face stiff sanction for brawl

With warnings having issued both players before by league officials, Enrico Villanueva and Joseph Yeo face severe sanction after figuring in another fight just outside the Araneta Coliseum South Gate after the Red Bull-Coke game Sunday.

The two players were summoned to appear at the PBA office today together with Coca-Cola rookie Mike Gavino who suffered a deep cut on his left eyebrow as he absorbed a blow in the fracas.

There were allegations Gavino, a former La Sallite like Yeo, aslo figured in the fight. But there were also reports that the 6-foot-5 freshman was hit while just trying to separate Villanueva and Yeo.

At presstime, PBA Commissioner Noli Eala was still gathering statements from witnesses and reports from the Araneta Coliseum Security Force. Apparently, there were security officers who witnessed the incident.

Villanueva, Yeo and Gavino were summoned at the PBA office at 10 a.m. today.

"Without prejudging the incident, I can say it’s regrettable and it’s a conduct unbecoming of a professional. We will not tolerate this," said Eala.

Villanueva and Yeo first clashed in a fight during the La Salle-Ateneo Dream Game last January.

It was rekindled during the Red Bull-Coke pre-season game at the Emilio Aguinaldo College Gym when Villanueva nudged Yeo hard on the shoulder at center court after the final buzzer. The Commissioner’s Office issued warning to both players after that incident.

Yeo reported the latest incident at the Camp Panopio Police Station. "It was just protection. Baka maulit pa uli ang away," said William Ong, Yeo’s agent-manager.

There were unconfirmed reports, though, that Yeo and Gavino were mulling to file a case against Villanueva for physical injuries.

Meanwhile, Mark Caguioa was named Accel-Talk n Text PBA Player of the Week for his sterling game leading Barangay Ginebra to a 123-117 win over Red Bull in Palawan Saturday.

Caguioa erupted for a season-high 32 points that went with eight assists in that contest.

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