Amateurs pace RP Open elims

Amateurs Anthony Fernando and Gary Sales carded identical 73s under scorching heat to lead the chase for 10 berths in the Philippine Open at the start of the 36-hole qualifier at Villamor Golf Club yesterday.

Fernando bucked a double-bogey mishap on the par-5 No. 2 by firing three birdies at the backside as he salvaged a 39-34 round to share the lead with Sales, who came in with a 38-35.

Sales, who gunned down back-to-back birdies from No. 11 to seize control, could’ve kept a one-stroke lead but he fumbled with his fourth bogey in the day on No. 16.

Jun Cedo made a slew of pars in the last nine holes to shoot a 74 and lead the pros’ bid in this event conducted by the National Golf Association of the Phils.

The top 10 players (pros and amateurs) after the two-day elims will advance to the RP Open slated May 25-28 at Wack Wack. Ties will be disputed via sudden death.

Veteran campaigner Ernie Rellon, Ronald Posada and Vic Vanial came away with 75s to share fourth place with amateurs Hanson So Jr., while Jun Bernis, the former national amateur champion, shot a 76 for joint eighth with pro Jun Rates and another amateur in Junro Mamaril.

Hoping to come up with big rounds today are pros Danny delos Santos, Edwin Estrera, Edwin Sanchez and John Rey Pactolerin, who all had 77s.

Juvic Pagunsan heads the 27 Filipino pros seeded into the $200,000 RP Open, now held under the auspices of the Asian Tour. They include Frankie Miñoza, Angelo Que, Mars Pucay, Ramil Bisera, Gerald Rosales, Artemio Murakami, Robert Pactolerin, Carito Villaroman, Tony Lascuna, Danny Zarate, Cookie La’O, Richard Sinfuego, Rey Pagunsan and Gerard Cantada.

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