La Sallites join us

Despite all evidence to the contrary, the La Salle brothers and officials have conducted their initial investigation in a way that has left many in a state of deep sadness and at the same time disgust at how the entire situation was handled.

It shocks me and others that they even dared to think that the public would consider their findings acceptable. I actually gave them more credit than that. I guess I was mistaken.

How could I have forgotten that old saying which states one can only hope to lead the horse to the water but cannot make him drink.

It was probably too presumptious on my part to think that the officials of La Salle would actually assume even just part of the responsibility this crisis has brought about. I now realize that it is way too high a call for an institution that confirms through its actions to be one that is fueled by the motto to "Win at All Cost."

La Salle officials must have their reasons which for them are enough to allow them a good night’s sleep. i.e. allowing the exploitation of the young less fortunate players/students to be used by the institution for the sake of winning a championship.

I will not even bother to comment on their findings for to do so would be an insult to our intelligence.

At this point, though difficult, I feel it is time to step back and respect this.

Experience has taught me that in due time, the truth, when honestly pursued, always finds a way to surface. We hope that this will prove true during the further investigations promised by the La Salle brothers and officials. Their initial investigation has certainly left everyone unsatisfied, to say the least.

It is moments such as these that bring back to me a longing for what the La Salle I knew truly stood for.

I remember the days of how Bro. Benedict, who was involved in most of our sporting events, tried so hard to uphold the values of integrity and honesty through sports among the athletes and the entire school.

(I can imagine that he is now turning in his grave. You see, he was still very much alive when all this was taking place. I called him in desperation after talking to the La Salle brother regarding the controversial contracts who told me that it was "an isolated case." Bro. Benedict made it very clear to me that he did not approve of this. He couldn’t promise me anything for sure but he gave me his word that he was going to see if he could help.)

In my opinion, what we are witnessing now is an institution that has prioritized winning above the principles by which we were educated.

In my mind, it is clear that the La Salle of old no longer exists.

So in and remembrance of the La Salle we all once knew and played for, and in celebration of the timeless values under which we were educated, I together with other Sports Hall of Fame Awardees, Kurt Bachmann, Bert Garcia and others who may want to join, will be gathering at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium. All La Sallites regardless of age and location who share these sentiments are invited to attend. The date is on Nov. 12 at 2 p.m. A small ceremony will take place.

Join us.

Please contact cell no. 09279993336 and email address:
to confirm your participation and for further inquiries. Thank You.
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P.S. Dear Mr. Servillano dela Cruz.

You should know that most of us share the indignation you expressed during the press conference of La Salle and we are grateful that our side got a hearing on that occasion. Looking forward to seeing you on the 12th.
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A message from Bert Garcia: Beyond all this, there is strong sentiment that we are all responsible for the future of the basketball players whose lives are now in tatters and ruined due to our collective action as La Sallites. We feel that all must continue to practice our La Sallian principles and live up to our values and responsibilities.

Initial seed money of P50,000 has been anonymously pledged to start a fund to help reconstruct the lives of the La Salle athletes who were affected by the La Salle basketball program.

Contact Numbers: Cell phone: 09279993336/Email address:

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