Patrimonio girls sustain winning runs

Clarice and Christine Patrimonio, daughters of former basketball superstar Alvin, downed separate opponents yesterday to keep their title bids afloat in the ninth Head-Penn Match Play tournament at the rain-drenched Rizal Tennis Center.

Clarice trounced Jella Jade Capadocia, 6-0, 6-3, to barge into the semifinals of the 12-and-under division while the elder Christine downed Rachel Lucero, 6-1, 6-1, to gain quarterfinal entry in the 16-and-under bracket of this week-long event, the last stage of a nine-leg circuit.

Clarice takes on top seed Regina Santiago, a 6-0, 6-1 winner over Jasmine Tan Ho, next for a finals berth while Christine collides with Angelica Rodil, who bested Julie Em Botor, 6-3, 6-0, today for a semis seat.

Christine was also scheduled to play Jasmine Tan Ho in the 14-and-under group but heavy rains halted play for an hour and a half that forced officials to re-schedule it later in the day. Angelo, the eldest of the tennis-playing Patrimonio siblings, wasn’t as lucky absorbing a numbing 4-6, 3-6 defeat at the hands of Patrick Arevalo in the round-of-16 of the 16-and-under side.

In the unisex 10-and-under category, top pick Jacob Lagman hacked out a third straight 6-0, 6-0 win, this time against Miguel Bustamante and second seed Calvin Canlas ousted Alfonso Opulencia, 6-2, 6-3, to move a step closer to an expected title showdown.

Pocholo Macalino eliminated Mark Escares, 6-1, 6-1, and Al Khady Jainul sent Erika Lagura home with a 6-2, 6-3 win that arranged a semifinal meeting with Lagman and Canlas, respectively, both set today.

Gerard Ngo and Akio Sy likewise were on track on forging a title showdown in the 14-and-under class, beating Joseph Baldonado, 6-4, 6-1, and Matthew Gapultos, 6-1, 6-2, respectivelty.

Other winners in the group were Jigo Peña, Kyle Cordero, Edwin Olivarez, Jose Narvaez, Juan Regis and Roman Floreza.

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