Gregorio bags masters crown

Geena Gregorio grabbed the limelight in the just-concluded 28th Grand and eighth Youth national duckpin bowling championships by winning the ladies’ Masters title and propelling her team, MDBC, to victory in the ladies’ team event at the Marketplace lanes in Mandaluyong City.

Gregorio rolled 356 pins to dethrone Jutay Montebon, who carded 320. In the team finals, MDBC VBG tallied 355 to beat BIDBA BRB by 49 pins.

Chris Mendez also unseated Bert Sales, 360-300, in the men’s Masters finals of the tourney supported by the Philippine Olympic Committee, Customs commissioner Antonio Bernardo and Diamond Purified Drinking Water.

PHIDBC (Philippine Duckpin Bowling Council) president Inez Magbual of D’Friendly rallied from third spot to crush Ruby Villamil, 242-202, in the ladies’ A/B singles finals.

Rene Capulan took the men’s A/B singles crown by nipping Donald Aclan, 244-242.

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