OGCC gives Tiny 30-day extension

Philippine Sports Commission chairman Carlos Tuason, upon the recommendation of the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel, yesterday granted the Basketball Association of the Philippines faction of Quintellano "Tiny" Literal the continued use of the BAP office inside the PSC Administration building.

In a letter addressed to Literal, Tuason said that the OGCC "has found merit on your request for extension in the use of the BAP office" and therefore granted his group the continued use of the said office until such time that the BAP leadership dispute, involving the other group headed by Lito Puyat, is settled.

The OGCC last Tuesday issued a statement ordering Literal’s group to vacate the BAP office after yesterday’s office hours and added that the order should not be interpreted as "favoring one group over the other."

Literal’s group then sought a petition from the OGCC to grant them at least a 30-day extension since vacating the office at this time might affect their hosting of the Asian Universities Basketball Championships slated June 3 to 9 at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum.

Based on this request, the OGCC said in letter signed by Amado Valdez that "it is our perception that the said 30-day extension should be given consideration."

Tuason yesterday reiterated that he is not siding with any of the two warring factions within the cage body and that the eviction order was issued only because the OGCC had said so.

"And now that the OGCC said that they are considering the request of the Literal group, then I immediately approved it," said Tuason.

Graham Lim, speaking in behalf of Literal, welcomed the OGCC decision and that of Tuason.

"At least, nakita namin na si chairman Tuason was only acting on behalf of the OGCC order. We welcome his decision and swift action on the OGCC recommendation," said Lim, the secretary-general of Literal’s BAP.

The other BAP faction, through Puyat and with the blessing of the Philippine Olympic Committee, has called for a special presidential election on June 7 to, once and for all, end the protracted leadership dispute. Puyat, who took over after Jalasco filed a leave of absence last March, is seeking the presidency against Literal.

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