Between RPA-ABB, Phl Gov't Military seeks early closure pact

DUMAGUETE CITY, Philippines – The highest ranked official of the Philippine Army in Negros Oriental said it is imperative that a closure agreement between the Revolutionary Proletariat Army-Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPA-ABB) and the Philippine government be reached soon.

Colonel Francisco Patrimonio, commander of the 302nd Infantry Brigade based in Tanjay City, said the early closure would ensure that firearms owned by the RPA-ABB shall not be abused or used for personal motives.

While the peace negotiations are going on, Patrimonio disclosed that as a precautionary measure the RPA-ABB members were advised to carry their firearms outside of sitio Candanque in Barangay Azagra of Tanjay City, or even blatantly display these in public.

The military official could not give details on how many RPA-ABB members in Candanque are carrying firearms to date. He admitted that until such time these firearms are turned over to the government once a closure agreement is reached, it would be difficult to monitor these weapons still in the possession of the group.

Patrimonio explained that once a closure agreement is reached, the RPA-ABB will surrender the firearms to the government who, in turn, will provide them with various forms of assistance, such as a resettlement site, housing and livelihood assistance.

No cash shall be given them although the military will provide the RPA-ABB members with government-issued guns to protect themselves from the New People’s Army, which they originally belonged to until they broke away.

Patrimonia has assured that various approaches have been undertaken to ensure that firearms owned by the RPA-ABB, shall not be abused pending the ongoing peace negotiations with the government of the Philippines.

These firearms were already subjected to an inventory by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) as a prelude to the closure agreement, which is expected sometime this month or next month, said Patrimonio.

Patrimonio’s statement came after two RPA-ABB members at sitio Candaque in Barangay Azagra, Tanjay City, were involved in a shooting incident resulting in the death of one of them. Police investigators said the incident was triggered by a long-time grudge between the two protagonists.

The suspect, who voluntarily surrendered and is now under detention, had admitted shooting to death the victim, and that the .45 caliber handgun he used was issued to him by the RPA-ABB and among those being inventoried by the OPAPP.

The shooting incident, however, have no bearing on the peace negotiations, but Patrimonio said these firearms would be carried only by trained RPA-ABB members only when on duty inside the resettlement site or when detailed to secure their base.

When off duty, the guns shall be returned to proper authorities, usually designated handlers coming from organic military units.

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