For W. Visayas workers P12 wage hike to take effect by end of May

ILOILO CITY, Philippines –- The P12 wage hike for workers in Western Visayas is expected to take effect end of this month, following its 15-day publication in a local paper here starting May 16.

In April, Labor and Employment regional director Ponciano Ligutom disclosed last April the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board approved the P12 wage hike for workers in Region 6, then approved by the National Wages and Productivity Commission, and thereafter the required publication.

Once it takes effect, the minimum daily wage for workers in the non-agricultural/industrial and commercial sector employing more than 10 workers will be P277 from the current P265, and for workers in establishments with less than 10 workers will be P235 from the current rate of P223.

For those working in agricultural plantation the rate will be P245 from the current P233 while for non-plantation workers will be P235 from P223.

As contained in Wage Order No. 20, the increase shall apply to all minimum wage earners in the private sector regardless of their position, designation, status of employment and irrespective of the method by which they are paid.

The wage body in Region 6, on July 19, 2011, issued Wage Order 19 granting an emergency cost of living allowance (ECOLA) for a period of three months due to supervening conditions at the time.

However, the last minimum wage adjustment took effect on Aug 12, 2010, thus the one-year ban for the imposition of a new wage hike has already lapsed. —From the wires (FREEMAN)

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