Two electrocution deaths in a week

CEBU, Philippines - Are electric power distributors liable for deaths caused by electrocution through power lines that traverse across rice farms?

This question surfaced following the incidents of two deaths by electrocution in this town and in Antequera town in less than a week.

Wena Bautista, 45, of Barangay Los Angeles in Ubay town of Bohol died on the spot Sunday afternoon when she stepped into a live wire. While walking through a path in a rice field on her way to fetch water, she accidentally stepped into the cut wire of power line, said the police.

Unconfirmed report said that Boheco II, which distributes power supply here, was quoted as saying that a portion of the power lines has fallen off and tap on leaves of a tree causing it to spark and its connection cut off. The cut wire dropped and laid on the ground.

In Antequera town, a certain Regie Ordinario, a farmer of Brgy. Kinapun-an, died upon arrival at the hospital after he got electrocuted by a live wire, a separate report said.

The report said Ordinario was tending his farm when he found a low-lying wire and tried to clear it away from his rice field. It was a live wire he touched.  

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