"Drunk" jail guard faces suspension, admin raps

KALIBO, AKLAN, Philippines — Senior Jail Officer 3 Roger Melanio of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) District Jail in Brgy. Nalook of this town is now facing preventive suspension and administrative charges for attacking an inmate last Thursday.

Melanio was on off-duty and allegedly drunk when he barged into the prison cell of inmate Neil Celiz and boxed the latter twice. After the punching episode, Melanio harassed and pulled his gun and aimed it at the inmate.

BJMP-Region 6 investigator SJO1 Leo Lacerna said other jail guards tried to pacify Melanio but failed.

Even Sr. Insp. Benny Freddie Cobarde, BJMP-Aklan jail warden, failed to calm down the unruly Melanio who even punched the official in return.

“To avoid a bloody confrontation, the warden left the place and called for police assistance,” Lacerna said. Responding policemen later arrested Melanio and put him behind bars.

Lacerna said that he already conducted a pre-charge investigation against Melanio. “I would recommend for (Melanio) preventive suspension while investigation is going on,” he said. - THE FREEMAN

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