Chided teen hangs self

CEBU, Philippines - A teenage boy allegedly took his own life by hanging himself from a star apple tree near their backyard in Barangay Pandan, Leon, Iloilo, last Wednesday afternoon.

Reports said that the 15-year-old tied a rope around his neck and hung himself, it was his older brother, 18-year-old Joeniel, who found the body at around 5:40 p.m.

Joeniel was not immediately able to take the body down as it was suspended from 15 feet high.

He ran for their father, Jonathan, and together they brought the body down and rushed the victim to the Aleosan District Hospital.

The victim was pronounced dead on arrival.

According to Leon Police Station chief Chief Insp. Abner Balgos, they found no foul play in the teenager's death.

Investigators said that the teenager could have decided to end his life after his mother, Elma, scolded him for not doing his laundry.

Prior to that, he also asked for money to pay his school dues but was not given any.

The third of five children, the teenager was a second-year high school student of the Leon National High School.

Balgos said a follow-up investigation into the teenager's suicide is still being conducted. (FREEMAN)

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