UK biz body cites Shell Yolanda response

Shell global social investment manager Helen Sullivan (center) with Shell Philippines social investment manager Jackie Ampil (left) and Shell regional social performance manager for Asia Maria Divina De Leon receive the UK BITC Big Tick Award in London.

MANILA, Philippines - Shell companies in the Philippines (SciP) received commendation from the foreign business community for its relief and rehabilitation efforts following the devastation brought about by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) last year.

The energy and gas technology leader received the Big Tick Award from the UK Business in the Community (BITC) Responsible Business Awards for its entry in the International Disaster Relief category.  The same entry was also shortlisted for the overall award in the categories of responsible business, community, volunteering, global issues and trends.

The award was announced recently at the BITC National Awards gala dinner in London in the presence of BITC president, The Prince of Wales.

The BITC Big Tick recognizes significant achievements of businesses in responding to social and environmental issues. The International Disaster Relief Award, in particular, is supported by the UK Department of International Development and recognizes businesses that can demonstrate positive disaster relief action in the immediate aftermath of international disasters.

The recognition affirms Shell Philippines’ country disaster relief and rehabilitation plan, which can guide decisive and quick actions critical to saving lives and property. Shell companies in each country prepare this plan as part of their social performance to support a country or community in times of disaster and help them rebuild lives and economic stability.

“Shell’s rehabilitation plan is aligned with the Philippine government and the company’s global social investment themes,” explains Shell social investment manager Jackie Ampil.

These themes include: Enterprise Development or providing livelihood programs such as procurement of fishing boats, and micro-financing and skills training;  Access to Energy, which includes distribution of solar lamps for electrical power in households; Environment, which involves activities such as mangrove tree-planting in areas damaged by storm surges; and Community Development programs, which include the construction of homes and school multi-purpose halls and gyms, as well as disaster and emergency preparedness training for fenceline communities around Shell assets.

All this is in line with Shell’s social investment strategy of sustainable development, which characterizes many of its initiatives in areas ranging from sustainable mobility and energy efficiency, to road safety and environmental management.

For Typhoon Yolanda relief, Shell staff and offices worldwide, along with partner organizations, retailers and business partners, donated over $3.8 million (P171 million), including Royal Dutch Shell plc’s contribution of $2.5 million (P112 million). The amount provided immediate assistance for basic necessities and medicine, recovery efforts, and medical assistance to hundreds of thousands individuals in severely affected communities. The fund will also be used for continuing rehabilitation efforts in Central Philippines.

Additionally, various  Shell offices worldwide donated to Red Cross in response to the company-wide “Call for Help” campaign. In-kind donations received from Shell worksites and retail stations assisted 37,820 affected families while 530 staff volunteers participated in volunteerism activities such as repacking and sorting.

“The outpouring of support for the Philippines by Shell colleagues both here and abroad is truly heartwarming and makes me proud to be a part of Shell,” stated SciP country chairman Edgar Chua.

Shell also immediately resumed safe business operations in the affected areas within two to 13 days, minimizing impact on customer and supply operations.

SciP particularly provided over P40 million for relief and rehabilitation efforts and made donations to partner organizations such as the Philippine Red Cross, ABS-CBN Sagip Kapamilya–DZMM TLC, GMA Kapuso Foundation, San Antonio Foundation and Enhancement Center, Jesse M. Robredo Foundation, Stiftung Solarenergie Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, WWF Philippines, and Philippine Business for Social Progress.



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