10-million commitments for Mother Earth sought

MANILA, Philippines - Local organizers of this year’s Earth Day celebrations are aiming to gather 10 million commitments of “green acts” from ordinary people, business firms, government agencies and the academe.

A week before Earth Day on April 22, there are already some 7.7 million commitments, said Elisea Gozun, chairman of Earth Day Network Philippines.

During a press conference last week, Gozun explained that these commitments do not necessarily represent grand acts for Mother Nature, but simple deeds that each Filipino could do to play a role in saving the environment.

These could mean using a pail and tabo (water dipper) instead of the shower when taking a bath, using a cup for water when brushing the teeth and even avoiding overcharging cell phone batteries.

Already on its 40th year, Earth Day celebrations were started in the US in 1970, then became a global event. It reached the Philippines in 1990.

For a change, Gozun said this year would focus not on urging the government to do something but on calling on each Filipino to exert an effort for environmental protection.

“Our campaign is for every Filipino to do something in their own personal way to protect the environment,” Gozun said.

This year’s theme is “Hamon ng Panahon: Climate Change; Sampung Milyung Solusyon. Kilos na! Ngayon na!”

Environment and Natural Resources Usec. Demetrio Ignacio said the theme was “very appropriate” since the country is “having one of the worst droughts three months after one of the worst floods.”

“That’s how erratic our weather is,” Ignacio said.

Gozun said those who want to send their commitments may do so through snail mail, email, or text message. They may register by texting GREEN(space)REG(space)first name(slash)middle initial(slash)last name(slash)10mm and send to 5777.

The 10 Million Movement campaign website is www.10mm.ph.

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