P&G’s Safeguard donates P100 million to DOH hospitals, vaccine hubs and LGUs to help safeguard the nation vs COVID-19

Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) Safeguard reinforces the importance of proper handwashing through its #SafeWash movement.
Photo Release

MANILA, Philippines — Now that Metro Manila is in its third ECQ, every Juan is already experiencing “protocol fatigue” making them more lenient about hygiene habits. Letting one’s guard down not only puts you, but everyone around you at a higher risk of infection.

Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) Safeguard reinforces the importance of proper handwashing through its #SafeWash movement.

Launched last year, the #SafeWash movement is a nationwide campaign to educate Filipinos about the most important step in preventing the spread of the coronavirus: proper handwashing.

#SafeWash program extends help nationwide

To help protect Filipinos from the threats of germs and illnesses, P&G and Safeguard ramp up the #SafeWash campaign by donating P100 million worth of support to DOH Hospitals, vaccine hubs and LGUs for the construction of public handwashing facilities, distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), face masks, ventilators and hygiene care packs.

One of the beneficiaries is the Philippine General Hospital, which houses the highest number of COVID-19 patients nationwide. Aside from distributing PPEs and hygiene kits, Safeguard, through its partnership with the Manila Water Foundation, is also adding three handwashing facilities to help increase hygiene especially at high-traffic areas inside the PGH.

As a trusted antibacterial soap brand for more than 56 years, Safeguard committed its support to the Department of Health (DOH) last year in helping prepare the country for a “hopeful reopening.”

Through this partnership, 70,000 “Bida Solusyon” health and hygiene kits were also distributed to government employees, healthcare professionals, families and frontliners in 36 provinces nationwide last year, with more being distributed in the recent months.

The kits helped local government units manage COVID-19 community outbreaks, strengthened proper hand-hygiene education and influenced positive action on the health and hygiene of families.

“Safeguard believes in helping protect every Filipino family through quality products that prevent the spread of germs and illnesses,” said Jan Jizelle Ang, senior brand director for Safeguard Philippines.

“If everyone plays their part by adhering to safety and health protocols like frequent handwashing, we can help protect those around us as well. At Safeguard, we are one with our partners in helping the country reopen to a safer normal,” she added.

Safeguard works as a Force For Good in ensuring Filipinos get access to quality health and hygiene via the #SafeWash movement.

Check out Safeguard’s range of germ-fighting products — from soap bars, liquid soaps to body washes — in Lazada, Shopee or Facebook to protect your loved ones — 99.9% — from germs and viruses.

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