World's leading research facilities test CopperMask’s effectiveness

Recently, three leading research facilities that were established solely to certify a product's effectiveness and safety have done a test on CopperMask and have released their findings to support the mask's claim
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MANILA, Philippines – Coppermask PH is the first and 100% guaranteed original Coppermask in the market. Coppermask is made from infused copper strands and is effective in protecting the user from getting any virus. 

Recently, three leading research facilities that were established solely to certify a product's effectiveness and safety have done a test on CopperMask and have released their findings to support the mask's claims.

SGS had done both heavy metal and fire-retardant tests to determine if these potentially harmful and carcinogenic agents are present in the mask's composition. Based on the result with test report number F690101/LF-CTSAYAA18-54472, both tests yielded negative results and passed consumer safety use. 

SGS is the world leader in inspection, verification, testing and certification, with its head office located in Seoul, South Korea.

In another test conducted by FITI in Seoul, Korea, a testing laboratory with the most advanced technologies and skilled lab technicians and scientists with the highest quality of test results, used the "film contact method" to determine the antimicrobial activity and efficacy of CopperMask material.

They used two types of common bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli or E. Coli.

FITI took the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with an initial count of 14,000 CFUs (Colony Forming Units) for the test. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are gram-positive bacteria that are typically found on the nose, skin and upper respiratory tract of the human body.

Most are located in the air that we breathe. These bacteria are typically harmless but can cause skin and soft tissue infections such as abscesses (boils), furuncles and cellulitis. They can also cause serious infections such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia or bone and joint infections.

As the test progressed overnight, these bacteria increased to 27,000 CFUs. FITI then exposed the bacteria to the Coppermask film material and it was noted that there was a remarkable decrease in the number of bacteria.

As per FITI report number F232-20-15510, 99.80% of bacteria were killed after contact with the mask. The same process was done in the E.coli bacteria test with 960,000 CFUs. After exposing and contacting the Coppermask’s copper film material, it was noted that 99.99% of E. coli were killed.

E. coli bacteria are usually found in the lower digestive tract. They are usually harmless and aid in the body's healthy digestive functions. However, some strains of this bacteria cause diarrhea usually related to food poisoning. Severe symptoms of E. coli strains can lead to pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

Meanwhile, the Guangdong Detection Center of Microbiology in China, which specializes in the Detection and Control of Harmful Microorganisms, has conducted penetration tests to check and see if harmful microorganisms were able to penetrate the Coppermask surface, straight to the skin of the user.

On its analysis report with number 2021FM09775R01E on filtration efficiency, the mask possesses a 99.99% effectivity rate in preventing or blocking harmful microorganisms that may enter and cause harm to the user's health.

Now, everyone can breathe with confidence knowing the effectiveness and safety of Coppermask. The well-known mask in the market is now backed by scientific evidence, proving that Coppermask has an anti-microbial property.

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