
Starweek Magazine

Jealousy and envy

FINDING REFUGE AND STRENGTH - Dr. Harold J. Sala - The Philippine Star

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong. – Psalm 37:1

Envy and jealousy are first cousins, but they are distinctly different. Jealousy involves three people – a triangle where one person intensely dislikes another, usually a person of the same sex, who poses as a threat to a certain relationship. Envy involves just two – you and the person who has something you like but do not possess. It may be money, good looks, a car you cannot afford, an adoring, beautiful wife; or a personality that seems to draw people.

Envy and jealousy come with different emotions attached to them, too. When jealousy enters the picture, you feel justified in harboring dark thoughts about the other person. The one vying with you for the attention or affection of someone you love becomes an enemy, and you think you are only protecting what is rightfully yours.

What about envy? Few of us admit to being envious of someone else, though none of us is immune to the temptation to be envious. So when we feel envious, how do we handle it?

First, recognize envy for what it is – a sin. And just like any other sin, we need to confess and forsake it. Tell the Lord that you are envious of [and name the person]. Then start praying for that person. Every time you hear his success, say, “Lord, thank You because You are blessing that brother, and I rejoice with him in what You are doing.”

God gifts each of us to accomplish what He wants. Understanding that helps us combat the temptation to be envious of what God has done for someone else.

Used with permission from Guidelines Philippines, Inc. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, please write to Box 4000, 1280 Makati City, Philippines or e-mail address [email protected]. You may also visit our website at www.guidelines.org.

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