Mirror Mirror

It’s hard to say who was the fairest of them all when most of Cebu came in full force and looked their best for the Masquerade Ball at the Waterfront Cebu Hotel and Casino. Mariquita Salimbangon Yeung, chairperson of the Beautiful Cebu Movement Foundation, was a vision in black and not to be outdone, her co-chair, Margie Lhuillier was glowing in a silver number. Dates to Mayor Mike Rama, who was dapper in his suit and Governor Gwen Garcia, who was svelte in an ivory corseted gown were auctioned off to raise funds aside from the donations and ticket revenue. Singers Pinky Marquez and Martin Nivera, host Borgy Manotoc and expert auctioneer Tessa Prieto Valdez flew in for the event. The charity event fetched a cool sum which would go to the beautification of the city .

For more events in the south, grab a copy of Zee Lifestyle Magazine in Cebu. Visit www.zeelifestylecebu.com.

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