
Starweek Magazine

The Year of the Rat: a new cycle begins

- JVM Francisco -

Bounty. Opportunity. Happy. Spicy. These will be our key words from February 7, 2008 to January 25, 2009 – the Year of the Earth Rat. In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Rat signals the start of a new 12-year cycle in the lunar calendar. It is generally characterized as a period for change, one that will bring lots of opportunities and good prospects to many people. Fortunes can be made from a positive business climate and on the whole people will be a happy lot this year with plenty of fraternizing and socializing. It will also be spicy with petty bickerings, arguments and bargaining but in the end we will generally have a grand old time this year.   

Prospects for 2008

The Year of the Earth Rat will be relatively calm, free from upheavals and catastrophes that we sometimes experience in the years of the Tiger and Dragon, yet it will be marked by exciting developments on many fronts. In general, it will be a time of opportunity and will be well suited for progress in the economic, technological and social aspects of our lives. 

As is characteristic of the Rat, the year will see a lot of energy and vibrancy in the Philippine economy. It is therefore an opportune time for action and enterprise. The Philippine stock market will experience some ups and downs but on the whole, there will be remarkable progress. However, investors are warned not to speculate too wildly and will need to study prospective investments closely. It is also not wise to stretch your resources too far. So while it is good to invest money on some new sure-fire ventures, it is not advisable to put all your eggs in one basket.

On the whole, the Philippine economy will be on the upswing, sustaining the progress it enjoyed in the Year of the Pig. The peso will strengthen further but will stabilize by mid-year. Employment will increase and the other economic indicators will see a brighter picture for the country. Some favorable areas for investments are the real estate sector which will see considerable progress in commercial and tourism-related real property development; the entertainment and communications industries; the tourism sector which will benefit from increased tourist arrivals; and the creative industry particularly the film, broadcast and new media sectors.

2008 will also be marked by technological innovation all over the world. Historically, the Year of the Rat witnessed the introduction of breakthrough technology – the Apple Macintosh, the CD Rom, genetic engineering, web TV in 1996 and the first world TV service through the BBC in 1948. Similarly, this year will see major developments in entertainment and communications as leading companies unveil new technologies and compete for bigger shares in the world market. In particular, great advances in the internet and wireless technology will amaze and delight us.

This will also be a politically active year. Many leaders all over the world will be under public and media scrutiny for personal and professional reasons. Some former leaders will be charged for previous shady political actions. In the United States, a non-traditional political leader who will redefine US foreign policy shall emerge. This will have a positive implication on the new world order.

Royalty all over the world will also be in the spotlight in the Year of the Rat. It will be recalled that it was in the Year of the Rat that Diana and Prince Charles divorced, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands abdicated in favor of Queen Juliana, and Edward VIII abdicated in favor of George VI. This year we will see some happy and sad developments take place among monarchies all over the world.

On health matters, more attention will be given to the pursuit of healthier lifestyles. As a consequence, businesses involved in health care such as spas, health clubs, organic food and medicine and healthcare companies will experience a boom. There will also be some breakthroughs in the treatment of certain diseases.

The environment will continue to hug the limelight this year. Civil society will become more conscious and vocal about environmental concerns. As a result, more concrete measures will be taken by governments all over the world and a major international agreement to stop global warming will be adopted. In science, there will be an exciting discovery in astronomy that will shed light on the issue of the existence of life outside Earth. 

In general, 2008 will be a good year for writers, journalists, PR practitioners, bankers, caregivers, small entrepreneurs and inventors. They will accomplish much – for themselves and for society.

February 10, 1948  to January 28, 1949                   Earth Rat

January 28, 1960 to February 14, 1961                    Metal Rat

February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973                    Water Rat

February 2, 1984 to February 18, 1985                    Wood Rat

February 18, 1996 to February 7, 1997                    Fire Rat

February 7, 2008 to January 25, 2009                      Earth Rat

The person born in the year of the Rat is hardworking and thrifty. He rarely lets an opportunity pass and is constantly involved in many plans and schemes. Charming, intelligent and sociable, he is easy to get along with and enjoys parties and social gatherings. He cherishes friends, associates and family relations and often gets enmeshed in people’s lives and affairs.

2008 is your year and it will be a special one for you. It’s a time to make bold decisions and to grab opportunities, for they will be aplenty. The Year of the Rat will also be a good time to lay out future plans.

This will therefore be a good time for career advancement either through a long-awaited promotion or a work opportunity outside your present workplace. For the Rat seeking work for the first time, 2008 will provide a good headstart for you. For many Rats, you will experience the start of a new chapter in your professional lives. February to May, September and October will be good months for your career. As a result of positive developments, your financial standing will improve and you will enjoy a substantial rise in income.

Your personal life will also be busy and rewarding with lots of social activities with family and friends. But a word of caution, you must consult family members regarding new plans. Now is also the time to go into an activity or interest that you’ve been wanting to try. For many Rats this is a good time to settle down with a partner. If you are unattached, there are good chances that you’ll meet the love of your life in March, May, August or September.

February 11, 1937 to January 30, 1938                    Fire Ox

January 29, 1949 to February 16, 1950                    Earth Ox

February 15, 1961 to February 4, 1962                    Metal Ox

February 3, 1973 to January 22, 1974                      Water Ox

February 20, 1985 to February 8, 1986                    Wood Ox

February 8, 1997 to January 27, 1998                      Fire Ox

The Ox is an animal that symbolizes prosperity through determination and hard work. A person born under the Ox sign therefore is dependable, calm and methodical. He is a tireless worker and can be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. Strong-willed, he can sometimes exhibit bad temper.

The year of the Rat will be a busy and satisfying year for the Ox. In general, the positive developments that you will enjoy this year will lay the foundation for greater success in the coming years.

At work, there will be opportunities for advancement and promotion. Those who have been contemplating on transferring jobs will find good openings. It is also an opportune time to pursue higher or special studies that you’ve been aiming for. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, the Rat year climate will do well for your undertakings. Now is the time to do bold moves. Oxen will enjoy a considerable rise in income, and for some even an unexpected bounty in the form of bonus, gift or lottery prize. It is also advised that long-standing loans be paid up or substantially reduced to avoid unpleasant consequences. 

Your social life will be hectic but do find time to relax and go on a holiday. At home try to spend more time with friends and family members. A surprising domestic development will lead to much celebration. You must however be careful with your words as your strong will and forceful nature may lead to a serious misunderstanding at home.

Unfortunately, 2008 is not favorable for affairs of the heart. Do not rush into a new relationship as this is not fated to last and will bring considerable heartache. 

January 31, 1938 to February 18, 1939                    Earth Tiger

February 17, 1950 to February 5, 1951                    Metal Tiger

February 5, 1962 to January 24, 1963                      Water Tiger

January 23, 1974 to February 10, 1975                    Wood Tiger

February 9, 1986 to January 28, 1987                      Fire Tiger

January 28, 1998 to February 15, 1999                    Earth Tiger 

The Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. A Tiger therefore usually displays a rebellious, colorful and unpredictable character. He is a fearless and fiery fighter but on the other hand has a humanitarian and romantic streak in him. At his best, he is warm, sensitive and sympathetic; at his worst, he is obstinate, unreasonable and selfish.

The Year of the Rat will not be an easy one for Tigers. Not everything will go as planned. It is therefore wise to proceed carefully and with lots of patience. It’s a time to avoid too many risks.

Professionally you should focus on areas where you have the most experience in. This is not a year for big progress and it is better to rely on teamwork rather than doing it alone. If you have intentions of shifting careers, it will be better for you to remain where you are now rather than transfer companies. Next year will be better for this move.

In business, it is not an opportune time to launch a new venture or go into risky investments. Be watchful of your expenditures and do not buy things on impulse. It’s also not a good time to make a big loan.

However, things will not be as bad as long as you use your magnetic personality and resourceful nature to your advantage. They will get you through difficult times. The middle of the year will be socially satisfying. Your friends, associates and family will bring you much enjoyment and there will be many happy moments with them to celebrate and remember.

February 19, 1939 to February 7, 1940                    Earth Rabbit

February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952                      Metal Rabbit

January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964                    Water Rabbit

February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976                    Wood Rabbit

January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988                    Fire Rabbit

February 16, 1999 to February 4, 2000                    Earth Rabbit

To the Chinese, the Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. The Rabbit is a witty and intelligent speaker and loves being involved in a good discussion. He is an efficient worker and has an extremely good memory.

2008 will be a variable year for Rabbits. There will be a major development in your life that will come as a surprise. Do not be alarmed. It may seem disheartening at first, but will subsequently prove to be a valuable experience for you.

At work, this will be a demanding year for you with many pressures and difficult situations. Again, do not handle them impulsively for these will add maturity and experience and will be beneficial to you next year. Be focused on your professional duties and try to avoid politics in your work place. Be also careful with your finances. Those entering into a new agreement or contract should pour over the details. It will also be wise to investigate carefully before making new investments. Organize your important papers, for losing any one of them might bring disastrous consequences.

It is advisable to look into your health this year. If you haven’t done so, have a general check up and endeavor to get regular exercise or go on a diet. 2008 is a good year to try something new – hobby, civic cause or sport. Your social life will be active and enjoyable. Family members and friends will provide solace for you. Helping and being open to them will provide contentment and great satisfaction. Be careful though of nasty rumors and investigate before believing or jumping to conclusions.

February 8, 1940 to January 26, 1941                      Metal Dragon

January 27, 1952 to February 13, 1953                    Water Dragon

February 13, 1964 to February 1, 1965                    Wood Dragon

January 31, 1976 to February 17, 1977                    Fire Dragon

February 17, 1988 to February 5, 1989                    Earth Dragon

February 5, 2000 to January 23, 2001                      Metal Dragon

The Dragon is born under the sign of good luck and will do well in practically anything he attempts. He is magnanimous, full of vitality and is constantly on the go. Proud and aristocratic, the Dragon possesses an assertive personality. He could be egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical, terribly demanding or unreasonable, but is never without a band of admirers.

The Year of the Rat will be a significant one for the Dragon. For those who have plans that you’ve been preparing for for a long time, this is the year to embark on them. Great results will ensue from these plans in the coming years.

Career developments also look positive. There are good prospects for promotions or employment in a better paying job. Similarly 2008 will be an opportune time for those seeking work for the first time. Your new work will suit your background and personality well. February, March, July and October are good months for career moves. Words of advice for better prospects – avail of training opportunities and consult colleagues for major decisions. Your financial situation will also improve during the next 12 months. Money will flow in gradually but be careful about hasty investments or expenditures.

Pursuing a personal interest will be a good move and may even become a source of financial benefits. Your domestic life will be favorable this year. An important project at home will give you much enjoyment. There will be a significant celebration during the second half of the year. As to your social life, you will see yourself much in demand and oftentimes the center of attention. A chance meeting in a social function could lead to a new love relationship. Good months for love are April to June, November and December. Overall, you should maximize positive relations with people in all aspects of your life this year.

January 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942                    Metal Snake

February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954                   Water Snake

February 2, 1965  to January 20, 1966                     Wood Snake

February 18, 1977 to February 6, 1978                    Fire Snake

February 6, 1989 to January 26, 1990                      Earth Snake

January 24, 2001 to February 11, 2002                    Metal Snake

The Snake is the deepest thinker and the most mysterious in the Chinese zodiac. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom and intelligence. He treasures his privacy and possesses a calm and placid nature. Graceful, soft-spoken but with a good sense of humor, he loves good books, food, music and theater.

Rejoice! The Year of the Rat will bring positive changes and progress for you. Generally, it will be a much more satisfying year compared to the past Year of the Pig.

Snakes will assume greater responsibilities at work. Those involved in creative work will make most of their talents and consequently benefit from them. You will find your contacts and colleagues most helpful. For those seeking work or change of careers, March, June, August and September will be favorable months. Similarly, those involved in creative pursuits, hobbies and enterprises will see their endeavors flourish throughout the year. As for finances, you will see your fortune grow but you must be cautious about making hasty investments and large purchases.

Your social life will be active this year. A chance encounter at work or at a social gathering will lead to a new significant relationship. Prospects for a new romance will also be good with possibilities of meeting the love of your life in a sports or recreational activity. Some Snakes who have been carrying a heavy personal burden will see things clear up this year. April, May and July are your lucky months for personal affairs. Some good news from a family member will delight you during one of these months.

February 15, 1942 to February 4, 1943                    Water Horse

February 3, 1954  to January 23, 1955                     Wood Horse

January 21, 1966  to February 8, 1967                     Fire Horse

February 7, 1978  to January 27, 1979                     Earth Horse

January 27, 1990 to February 14, 1991                    Metal Horse

February 12, 2002 to January 31, 2003                    Water Horse

The Horse is cheerful, popular and quick-witted. He is very perceptive and loves to talk. He is quite physical and exudes raw sex appeal – the type who will fall in love easily and fall out of love just as easily. Impulsive and stubborn, he will want to have things done his way. 

2008 will be a challenging year for the Horse. In Chinese astrology, the Rat and the Horse have a tendency to clash because of their opposite characters. You will feel uneasy about fast-moving developments that are typical during the Rat year. You will have to deal with difficult and demanding situations, so proceed with caution and try to adapt to the situation as best as you can.

Professionally, some of your plans may not go smoothly and you will feel frustrated at the slow pace of things. You should concentrate on your duties and draw strength from any setback. For those seeking jobs for the first time, 2008 will be a difficult time but do not be disheartened. A silver lining may appear in May, July, September or October. You are also advised to manage your financial resources carefully. Avoid profligate spending and try to be thorough with financial paperwork. Store important documents carefully for some of them will be needed within the year.

Your social life will be a bright spot in 2008. Many activities will do you well and ease the pressure. Find time to be with friends and family members and you will benefit from their camaraderie and support. It is therefore good to be mindful, tolerant and accommodating with your loved ones. You should also be cautious of your health and as much as you can, get plenty of rest and exercise.   

February 5, 1943 to January 24, 1944                      Water Sheep

January 24, 1955 to February 11, 1956                    Wood Sheep

February 9, 1967 to January 29, 1968                      Fire Sheep

January 28, 1979 to February 15, 1980                    Earth Sheep

February 15, 1991 to February 3, 1992                    Metal Sheep

February 1, 2003 to January 21, 2004                      Water Sheep 

The Sheep is the most feminine sign in the Chinese zodiac. Known for his gentle and compassionate ways, he is considered the good Samaritan in the cycle. He is righteous, sincere and is easily affected by sob stories. Although he enjoys being with nature, the Sheep is usually a homebody.

This is a year of considerable promise for the Sheep. Many aspects of your life will see the success you have been aspiring for. So don’t just sit there, go for it and with positive attitude and confidence, you will reap substantial benefits.

2008 will be important for your career. For Sheep in established positions the year will bring you greater success. With your experience and organizational knowledge, your company will reach new heights as far as income and patronage are concerned. This is also a good time for entrepreneurs to expand their business. For Sheep intending to shift careers, this is a favorable period to do so, as opportunities will open up particularly in the months of March, April, July and November. You will also be pleased as your personal finances substantially improve. Manage your resources prudently and extra earnings will allow you to pursue the plans you’ve been intending to undertake.

On the personal front, this will be an exciting year for you. Because you are born under an artistic sign, you will greatly enjoy creative activities in 2008. Sheep involved in the creative industry, namely artists, craftsmen and advertising people, will reach new heights in their artistic output. For those who are single, try to be socially active for there will be good prospects for significant friendships or romance in March, June, August or December. At home, there will be special moments but you need to plan family projects and activities ahead of time.

January 25, 1944 to February 12, 1945                    Wood Monkey

February 12, 1956 to January 30, 1957                    Fire Monkey

January 30, 1968 to February 16, 1969                    Earth Monkey

February 16, 1980 to February 4, 1981                    Metal Monkey

February 4, 1992 to January 22, 1993                      Water Monkey

January 22, 2004 to February 8, 2005                      Wood Monkey  

The Monkey has the closest affinity to man and therefore inherits most of his intelligence. He is quick-witted, clever and innovative, and can solve intricate problems with ease. The Monkey is innately warm, natural and spontaneous. He exudes self-confidence and has an enviable joie de vivre.

Both the Monkey and Rat thrive on activity and energy. These similarities will bring remarkable benefits for you this year. A lot will go in your favor and your fortune will change for the better. For most Monkeys, 2008 will be one of your best years yet.

The experience you gained in the past year will put you in an excellent position for remarkable progress in your career. There will be many opportunities for you so be alert for them. For those who wish to shift careers, this is the year to make the move. Similarly, those seeking jobs for the first time will see doors opening. For most of you, 2008 will see a new chapter in your careers. Monkeys involved in business will also experience growth and you are advised to be bold in your initiatives. As a result, your income will grow but you have to save up for the future and try to avoid large expenditures.

In domestic affairs, you will find yourself in numerous social events with your family and friends. Important family milestones will please you a lot. Be quick to lend a hand and this will greatly improve close relations. Oftentimes your enthusiasm could lead to misunderstandings. Try to listen to the opinion of others and your personal life will be much to your satisfaction. Positive months for romance are April, June, August and December.

February 13, 1945 to February 1, 1946                    Wood Rooster

January 31, 1957 to February 17, 1958                    Fire Rooster

February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970                    Earth Rooster

February 5, 1981 to January 24, 1982                      Metal Rooster

January 23, 1993 to February 9, 1994                      Water Rooster

February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006                      Wood Rooster 

The Rooster is the most misunderstood of all the animal signs. Outwardly, he exhibits self-assurance and aggression; but at heart, he could be conservative and old-fashioned. Rooster men are usually attractive, even dashingly handsome. On the whole, the Rooster is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, and is good at handling money. He loves to budget everything he can lay his hands on.

The Year of the Rat is a variable year for the Rooster. Not all your plans will go smoothly as you had intended. In order to minimize the difficulties and problems you will face, you will need to muster all you positive traits – vigilance, good sense of reason and thoroughness – for better results.

At work, there will be many challenges facing you. Concentrate on your areas of expertise and avoid venturing into unfamiliar territory. Avail of special training programs that may be offered outside your company. However, it is not a good time to change jobs. You will encounter increased work pressure or some misunderstanding with your colleagues. It will be best not to rock the boat. On the financial side, you will have to be careful about managing your funds. 2008 is not a time for risks or large expenditures.

Your social life, on the other hand, will be hectic and often quite enjoyable. It is now time to change your routine and try new interests and hobbies. One word of caution though – it is a time for tact and discretion. You are known for your candor but this time it is best to watch what you say. Try to spend quality time with close friends and family members for it will ease a lot of pressure.

February 2, 1946 to January 21, 1947                      Fire Dog

February 18, 1958 to February 7, 1959                    Earth Dog

February 6, 1970 to January 26, 1971                      Metal Dog

January 25, 1982 to February 12, 1983                    Water Dog

February 10, 1994 to January 30, 1995                    Wood Dog

January 29, 2006 to February 17, 2007                    Fire Dog

The Dog is honest, genuine, loyal, sincere and respects law and order – qualities of an ideal citizen of the country! He is not materialistic and possesses humanitarian instincts. He is the type who will lay down his life for a friend or relative. However, he can suffer bouts of melancholy or when the situation calls for it, show flashes of temper.

The Year of the Rat signals the start of the 12-year cycle in the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, 2008 will work positively towards change, ushering in a new chapter in many Dogs’ lives. This year can be very successful for you provided that you adopt a positive attitude towards change. It is time to utilize your skills, talents and ambitions to the max!

2008 will be favorable for your career. You are excellently placed for promotion due to your loyalty and hard work, which will not go unnoticed by your superiors. For those who have been planning on moving to another company, there will be excellent prospects this year. However, you have to consult relatives and close friends first before making the bold move. It is also the right time for entrepreneurs to expand their business. On the financial side of things, you will enjoy a steady rise in your income throughout the year. This will allow you to save up substantially or undertake a long-planned home improvement project.

 Socially, there will be many opportunities to meet interesting people who will later on become close friends or allies. There will also be some good news about one of your immediate family members. For those who have steady partners, this will be a lucky year to tie the knot. For single Dogs, the periods of April to June, and October are your lucky months for that long-awaited romance.

January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948                      Fire Pig

February 8, 1959 to January 27, 1969                      Earth Pig

January 27, 1971 to February 15, 1972                    Metal Pig

February 13, 1983 to February 1, 1984                    Water Pig

January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996                   Wood Pig

February 18, 2007 to February 6, 2008                    Fire Pig

The Pig is the most easy-going and laid-back of all the signs. Cheerful, friendly and overflowing with good intentions, he does not bear grudges. He is the connoisseur of the Chinese zodiac and thus enjoys good food and has a healthy appetite. Despite lacking strong ambitions, he is hardworking and is generally successful in life.

The Pig likes stability and is oftentimes resistant to change. You will therefore feel uneasy with some developments that this year will bring you. It will be a challenging year so to avoid being caught flat-footed, you should be alert and prepared for opportunities that will come your way.

2008 will be a demanding year for you professionally. You will sometimes feel frustrated by delays, the bureaucracy or the attitude of some co-workers. Try to welcome and adapt to new systems and procedures. However, there will be good career developments in May, June, July and October. For those wanting to change jobs or are looking for work for the first time, do not be picky. The work you’ll find unsuitable this year may bring you much progress and satisfaction in the coming years. Caution is advised though regarding your personal financial transactions. It is always better to seek the advice of your close friends and family.

This will be a socially active year for you with lots of enjoyable parties and celebrations. Try something challenging this year – a new hobby or special interest activity. 2008 is also an interesting year for affairs of the heart. Those with partners will see their relationship bloom anew while single Pigs will be thrilled by a chance encounter that could lead to a passionate romance.

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