All for the Love of Music

When the women joggers of Dasmariñas Village invited the Fil-Spanish virtuoso Felipe "Nonoy" Ramirez, Jr. to an informal dinner at the residence of avid music patron Dr. Remedios "Meding" Suntay, the pianist must have assumed he would be requested to perform.

The young, amiable, soft-spoken "Nonoy" went to the dinner at his own peril, knowing fully well that the adoring females, all music lovers, would not allow him to ignore the big-as-life Steinway in Meding’s spacious living room. How would he refuse such charming and persuasive fans who, having heard him perform Prokofiev’s Concerto No. 3 in C Major at the CCP under the baton of the formidable Oscar C. Yatco, even went backstage to congratulate him?

Accordingly, Nonoy obliged, playing De Falla’s Danza del Fuego (Ritual Fire Dance), a piano transcription of one of eight numbers from the one-act ballet pantomine El Amor Brujo (Love, the Sorcerer). Of course, nothing could be more Spanish than the Fire Dance with its frenetic pounding rhythms, sensuous Andalusian melody and overpowering dynamism. The Spanish in Nonoy (from his father’s side) came out fully in his interpretation. How the joggers must have felt like dancing!

Being a composer as well, the versatile Nonoy also rendered his own work, a combination of Spanish and Philippine airs which, he confessed to his now awe-struck fans, he had composed in his mind while his plane was landing at Manila’s naia. In this regard many of those present recalled that Nonoy is not only a virtuoso pianist, a painter and photographer, but also a talented composer who is, in fact, a member of the American Society of Composers.

Further, not a few expressed to Nonoy their fervent hope that someday he would return and perform with his wife Jennifer Weaver, a conductor-orchestrator.

During the sumptuous native buffet which ensued after the mini-recital that night, conversation naturally focused on Nonoy’s exciting performance. Would he play for the joggers in the near future should they invite him for dinner again? Presumably, Nonoy’s answer would be a hearty "Yes", all for the love of music–his and theirs.

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