Just a Smile, Please

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."– Proverbs 15:13

For many years, Mother Teresa gave herself to the poor and suffering of India, working among the outcasts of society. The recipient of the Nobel Peace Award, this gifted and dedicated saint lived the example of Jesus with courage and commitment. As her reputation grew, people from around the world sought to visit her, to catch a glimpse of this dedicated woman. To some she was a sort of religious icon, others a source of puzzlement. Why should anyone choose to do what she did?

On one occasion, a group of visitors had an audience with her. As they were leaving one of them said, "Mother Teresa, please tell us something that will help us live our lives better."

She simply said, "Smile at each other–it doesn’t matter who it is–and that will help you to grow in great love for each other." Then another member of the group quickly asked, "Are you married?" (knowing, of course that she was not). Mother Teresa answered, "Yes, and I find it difficult sometimes to smile at Jesus."

Wow! Talk about applied Christianity. I have seen pictures of Jesus–at least, as artists and sculptors have imagined Him to be–in the art galleries of the world. Most are sober, some reflect tenderness, compassion and great love. But I cannot recall ever seeing a picture of Jesus smiling at us. Why not? Did He only drink vinegar, wear black and reprove the disciples for mirth?

No, Jesus smiled. Does the text tell us that? No, but the context does. He held little children and smiled. He laughed with the disciples and expressed the joy of his life.

People never smile when they are fearful, uptight and full of stress. A genuine smile is an expression of a heart overflowing with love. Paul tells us that the fruit of the indwelling Spirit of God includes "love, joy, peace". We smile because we believe God is in charge of the world and our lives.

Mother Teresa was right. There are times when it is difficult to smile. But it is never impossible. Is there anyone in your life who makes it hard for you to smile? That person is God’s challenge to you. Go on, relax and give that person a smile. You might discover something really worth smiling about.

Resource Reading: Proverbs 15

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