
Starweek Magazine

Year of the sheep

- JVM Francisco -
The Year of the Sheep (Goat) will be a nice respite after the volatile and energy-consuming Year of the Horse. Meek and gentle, the Sheep will wield its influence on all aspects of our lives from February 1, 2003 to January 21, 2004 in what will characteristically be a calm and peaceful year.

Last year, we predicted that the Year of the Horse would reflect the energy, vitality and freedom of the Horse. We further stated that "life will be hectic and people will generally find themselves reckless, romantic and carefree... The political scene will be somewhat chaotic. Tempers will flare and verbal assaults will characterize the already confusing state of local politics and lead to political re-alignments".

These are perhaps understatements when seen in the light of what really happened on the political front in the past year–the resignation of Foreign Affairs Secretary Teofisto Guingona and Education Secretary Raul Roco, the failed coup attempts in the Senate, the verbal assaults of the media and civil society against President Arroyo, the Mark Jimenez/Hernando Perez verbal duel, the Diosdado Macapagal Avenue fiasco, the NAIA 3 controversy, the Rosebud/Ping Lacson tussle following the murder of John Campos, the announcement of President Arroyo that she will not run in 2004 and the political re-alignments that ensued, as well as the nagging controversy over Cha-Cha, among others.

Things were no better on the international arena. We predicted that "some politically unstable regions could be major conflict areas. An incursion by one country into another will lead to a full-scale war but this will be short-lived. The Israeli-Palestinian armed conflict which is gradually deteriorating into a war hugged the headline too many a-times. The North Korean recalcitrants against nuclear disarmament started political and military tensions all over the world. Unstable economic and political situations led to widespread riots in Argentina and Venezuela. And, of course, the prospect of a US-Iraq war loomed ominously on the horizon throughout the Year of the Horse.

While some may be cynical about astrology and horoscopes, the Chinese have developed their system based on the lunar calendar with logical refrences to cyclical and natural phenomena. The lunar calendar, the oldest chronological record in the world, can be traced back to 2637 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced its use during the 61st year of his reign. The moon was regarded by the ancient Chinese as having a profound influence on man. Being the closest heavenly body to earth, its gravitational pull causes the ebb and flow of tides. The Chinese believe that the four phases of the moon have their own functions and significance.

Under this lunar system, each month is composed of four phases of the moon, beginning with the new moon. Twelve months comprise the lunar year, and twelve years make up one cycle.

The years in each cycle are named after twelve animals. Legend has it that before the Lord Buddha departed from the earth, he summoned all the animals to come to him. Only twelve animals appeared before him to bid him farewell. First to arrive was the Rat, then the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally the Boar (Pig). Buddha named a year after each animal in the order of their arrival, beginning with the Rat. He also proclaimed that all those born during that year would inherit some of the characteristics of that animal.
The Five Elements
We often wonder though why individuals born under a similar sign sometimes exhibit varying personality traits. Outside of the characteristics of the animal ruling the year of birth, there are five elements which exercise a profound influence on one’s life. These are the elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.

A person born in a year controlled by Metal is motivated by strong feelings and will pursue his objectives with intensity. He is success-oriented and is constantly guided by strong impulses which will be felt by those he comes in contact with. A person born under the Water element is basically ruled by sympathetic vibrations and is able to communicate feelings and ideas positively. Like his element, he is able to wear away the strongest rocks of opposition by his silent but constant efforts.

Persons born under the Wood element have high morals and a good deal of self-confidence. Their expansive and cooperative nature enables them to take on major roles and undertake large projects. A person born in a year controlled by Fire will most likely stand out in a crowd. He is ambitious, passionate and forceful. Although he is immensely loving and kind, he can be quick tempered and can flare up at the slightest provocation. People born under the Earth element are generally functional and practical. They make excellent managers and will run business efficiently. They are intelligent and display objectivity in supervising others.
General Prospects for the Year
A relative calm will descend upon us in the Year of the Sheep, the 4,700th year in the Chinese calendar. The gentle, compassionate and almost feminine characteristics of the Sheep will wield their influence on many aspects of our lives this year. In addition, the prevailing element this year is Water and its smooth and flowing nature will certainly help create an atmosphere of peace.

The world will therefore experience relative tranquility in the Year of the Sheep. Unlike last year, we will not see many upheavals happening, and wars or conflicts that started in the Year of the Horse will come to an end within the year. The US-led war on Iraq is not likely to happen and rhetoric will eventually die down.

People will find time to relax and introspect. The Year of the Sheep will therefore be the right time to make peace with others and work for reconciliation over past disputes. We will be drawn more closely toward our family and close circle of friends.

Although 2003 will be a harmonious year, the gentle nature of the Sheep will make economic progress go slowly. We won’t experience the wild swings we underwent last year. However, the Philippines will work things out for itself. The government will make sincere efforts to strengthen and reform the system, and civil society, although more vocal and critical, will help restore political and economic progress. The fruits of these concerted efforts will be evident during the last months of the year.

Because the Sheep is considered the patron of the arts in Chinese astrology, 2003 will be a year of high artistic achievement and progress. People will tend to be more creative and innovative this year and will apply these traits to all aspects of their lives. It will also be a good period to invest in the arts and buy antiques. In the local arts scene, some major productions and festivals will meet high critical acclaim and patronage for artistic activities will increase.

On the whole, the Year of the Sheep will be a positive one–peaceful and generally rewarding.
Individual Prospects for the Year
Let us now take a look at individual prospects for the year.

If you know the animal sign under which you were born, simply refer to that sign on the following pages and check out your reading. If you do not know your animal sign, look at the listings at the beginning of each sign, which gives the dates that fall under that particular animal sign, plus the governing element. Note that the lunar year is variable and does not start and end on the same date each year on the Gregorian calendar.
18 February 1912 to 05 February 1913–Water Rat

05 February 1924 to 24 February 1925–Wood Rat

24 January 1936 to 10 February 1937–Fire Rat

10 February 1948 to 28 January 1949–Earth Rat

28 January 1960 to 14 February 1961–Metal Rat

15 February 1972 to 02 February 1972–Water Rat

31 January 1984 to 19 February 1985–Wood Rat

17 February 1996 to 06 February 1997–Fire Rat

The Rat will experience an improved year compared to 2002. Your career will be on an upward swing specially during the second half of the year. Your superiors will take notice of your progress and aptly reward or recognize you for it. On money matters, you will generally have no problems except for some financial difficulties in March, July and October. It will therefore be wise to save and cut back on extravagant habits.

As far as health is concerned, there is nothing much to worry about. However, it is advisable to take precautionary measures in your sexual activities. Be also careful on the road in December. Although 2003 will not be a romantic year for you, there is a ray of hope for an exciting romantic interlude in August or December.
06 February 1913 to 25 January 1914–Water Ox

24 January 1925 to 12 February 1926–Wood Ox

11 February 1937 to 30 January 1938–Fire Ox

29 January 1949 to 16 February 1950–Earth Ox

03 February 1961 to 04 February 1962–Metal Ox

03 February 1973 to 22 January 1974–Water Ox

20 February 1985 to 08 February 1986–Wood Ox

07 February 1997 to 27 January 1998–Fire Ox

2003 will be a challenging year for the Ox. Unlike last year, you will have to struggle in order to see positive developments in your career. There will be obstacles to your progress so it is wise to improve your relations with your colleagues and business partners. Try to establish good relations as well with business firms of similar nature as yours in order to avoid conflicts. Money matters must be taken care of especially during the last quarter of the year.

It will be a physically and mentally trying year for you as well. Take some time out for rest and recreation and this will produce some good results. It will be good to undertake a complete medical check-up within the year. On the romantic aspect, you will prove to be attractive to the opposite sex this year. An exciting love affair is in the offing in April, May, September and December. You will experience a peaceful home life in 2003.
26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915–Wood Tiger

13 February 1926 to 01 February 1927–Fire Tiger

31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939–Earth Tiger

17 February 1950 to 05 February 1951–Metal Tiger

05 February 1962 to 24 January 1963–Water Tiger

03 January 1974 to 10 February 1975–Wood Tiger

09 February 1986 to 28 January 1987–Fire Tiger

28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999–Earth Tiger

Lucky stars will shine upon you this year! This will be a productive and prosperous year for Tigers. Concentration and creativity are your bywords for the Year of the Sheep. At work, you will make great strides and can look forward to a promotion. Entrepreneurs will see important breakthroughs in business and there will be good returns on investments. You will see a windfall in personal income from many sources. Watch out for thefts though.

You will also be blessed with good health and will generally be in high spirits throughout the year. You will be the life of the party within your social circle. Unattached Tigers will have a good chance to meet their dream lovers. It will also be a good year for marriage.
14 February 1915 to 02 February 1916–Wood Rabbit

02 February 1927 to 22 January 1928–Fire Rabbit

19 February 1939 to 07 February 1940–Earth Rabbit

06 February 1951 to 26 February 1952–Metal Rabbit

25 January 1963 to 12 February 1964–Water Rabbit

11 February 1975 to 30 January 1976–Wood Rabbit

29 January 1987 to 16 February 1988–Fire Rabbit

16 February 1999 to 04 February 2000–Earth Rabbit

This will be a successful and productive year for the Rabbit. New business prospects will present themselves during the last few months of the year. You should use your charm and influence on your colleagues and partners for more success at work. Problems will crop up but these will be solved without difficulty. You will have no worry over money matters. Income from an unexpected source will delight you during the third quarter. You will be lucky in lotteries and games of chance.

Rabbits will experience good physical and mental health this year. However, watch out for travels on water. There will be no exciting romantic prospects for the unattached Rabbits. However, you should try to establish new bonds with family members and you will get much pleasure from these efforts.
03 February 1916 to 22 January 1917–Fire Dragon

23 January 1928 to 09 February 1929–Earth Dragon

08 February 1940 to 26 January 1941–Metal Dragon

27 January 1952 to 13 February 1953–Water Dragon

13 February 1964 to 01 February 1965–Wood Dragon

31 January 1976 to 17 February 1977–Fire Dragon

17 February 1988 to 05 February 1989–Earth Dragon

05 February 2000 to 28 January 2001–Metal Dragon

Because of the appearance of many lucky stars within your realm in 2003, the year will generally be good for Dragons. You will be extremely successful in your work, and through creativity and innovation, you can produce wonderful results. However, it will be important for you to keep your word and promises. Do not get distracted by rumors and gossip. Although regular income will be forthcoming, you should plan your budget carefully. Investments would yield moderate income.

2003 will be hectic for you and it is advisable to take care of your health. It will be best to start the regular exercise and diet you’ve been planning but never got the chance to do. You should also endeavor to take care of elderly members of your family. Your lovelife will be wanting this year although there will be some romantic prospects during the last three months of the year.
23 January 1917 to 10 February 1918–Fire Snake

10 February 1929 to 29 January 1930–Earth Snake

27 January 1941 to 14 February 1942–Metal Snake

14 February 1953 to 02 February 1954–Water Snake

02 February 1965 to 20 January 1966–Wood Snake

18 February 1977 to 06 February 1978–Fire Snake

06 February 1989 to 26 January 1990–Earth Snake

29 January 2001 to 11 February 2002–Metal Snake

This will be a difficult year for Snakes. At work, you will have to strive hard if you want to see progress. It is also advisable to keep a low profile in order to avoid intrigues and unnecessary trouble. In business, 2003 is not a good year to start an important or major project. You should be conservative with investments although new foreign investments will prove successful in the long run. The third quarter will be an auspicious time to buy real properties.

Your health will be generally good throughout the year but try to keep away from raw and unclean food. Be careful when driving in June and July. On the personal life, 2003 is not romantic year for you. Concentrate on improving relations with your relatives, colleagues and friends.
11 February 1918 to 31 January 1919–Earth Horse

30 January 1930 to 16 February 1931–Metal Horse

15 February 1942 to 04 February 1943–Water Horse

03 February 1954 to 23 January 1955–Wood Horse

21 January 1966 to 08 February 1967–Fire Horse

07 February 1978 to 27 January 1979–Earth Horse

27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991–Metal Horse

12 February 2002 to 31 January 2003–Water Horse

This is the year you’ve been waiting for. Many opportunities will come your way throughout the year so make sure you grab them whether they be career, business or love related. At work, you will see much progress but it will help improve relations with clients and business partners. You will have a steady flow of income and experience good return on investments. 2003 will also be a good year to buy new property or start a new business.

Healthwise, it will be a good year for you but it is advisable for you to have a complete medical check-up. You will see a busy social calendar this year and some social connections will benefit your career or business. This will also be a romatic year for you but one word of caution–do not spend too much time on love or your career will be sacrificed.
13 February 1907 to 01 February 1908–Fire Sheep

01 February 1919 to 19 February 1920–Earth Sheep

17 February 1931 to 05 February 1932–Metal Sheep

05 February 1943 to 24 January 1944–Water Sheep

24 January 1955 to 11 February 1956–Wood Sheep

09 February 1967 to 29 January 1968–Fire Sheep

28 January 1979 to 15 February 1980–Earth Sheep

15 February 1991 to 03 February 1992–Metal Sheep

The Year of the Sheep will be a challenging one for you. There will be opportunities for improvement in career and business but caution must be taken in transactions or ventures. You should settle career problems as soon as possible. It would also be best to keep a low profile at work. For entrepreneurs, you should be more conservative in your ventures and avoid getting big loans or engaging in high-risk investments.

Healthwise, you will not have much problems but you should keep away from sharp objects and avoid arguments or fights. Romance looks bright throughout the year with opportunities for love expected in April, June and November. Your family and friends will bring you much joy so try to organize or attend as many social gatherings with them as possible.
20 February 1920 to 07 February 1921–Metal Monkey

06 February 1932 to 25 January 1933–Water Monkey

25 January 1944 to 12 February 1945–Wood Monkey

12 February 1956 to 30 January 1957–Fire Monkey

30 January 1968 to 16 February 1969–Earth Monkey

16 February 1980 to 04 Februry 1981–Metal Monkey

04 February 1992 to 22 January 1993–Water Monkey

Life will be much improved for the Monkey this year. Your lucky stars look bright during the first quarter of the year. Your career will see good fortune in the form of promotion or positive shift in career path. This will also be the time to organize the major project you’ve been thinking about for a long time. To further ensure your luck, you should try to improve your knowledge and skills by availing of training and education opportunities.

Your personal finance will greatly improve at the beginning of the year but will fluctuate toward mid-year. It will however improve again from November on. You should watch out for robberies or losses and should drive carefully during the last quarter. This will be a perfect year for romance with the unattached most likely meeting your lifelong partner.
02 January 1909 to 09 February 1910–Earth Rooster

08 february 1921 to 27 January 1922–Metal Rooster

26 January 1933 to 13 February 1934–Water Rooster

13 February 1945 to 01 February 1946–Wood Rooster

31 January 1957 to 17 February 1958–Fire Rooster

17 February 1969 to 05 February 1970–Earth Rooster

05 February 1981 to 24 January 1982–Metal Rooster

23 January 1993 to 09 February 1994–Water Rooster

2003 will be a mixed year for Roosters. At work, you should be extra careful with contracts, projects or investments and try to seek legal advice if you’re not sure how to deal with any development. You should also try to control your emotions specially under great pressure. Calm and caution should be your bywords this year for they will lead you out of trouble. You should generally watch your expenditures this year. Making loans or gambling is not advised.

Healthwise, you should be careful this year. Avoid overeating and stay away from alcohol and other addictive intakes. You should be cautious during travels and outings. Your social calendar will be quite busy this year. Romance will be good and there are bright prospects for new encounters or renewed romance in April, August and December.
10 February 1910 to 29 January 1911–Metal Dog

28 January 1922 to 15 February 1923–Water Dog

04 February 1934 to 03 February 1935–Wood Dog

02 February 1946 to 21 January 1947–Fire Dog

18 February 1958 to 07 February 1959–Earth Dog

06 February 1970 to 26 January 1971–Metal Dog

25 January 1982 to 12 February 1983–Water Dog

10 February 1994 to 30 January 1995–Wood Dog

The Year of the Sheep will be a fair one for Dogs. You will have to struggle hard at work but in the end will lead you to an important career breakthrough. It will be wise to always keep an open eye for business traps. 2003 will however be a positive year for personal finances although big investments are not advisable.

Dogs will be in good shape physically and mentally in the year of the Sheep. Caution must be taken though when travelling to wild areas. Your social life will be active throughout the year. You will be quite popular at social gatherings and relationships with loved ones will be enhanced. Romance is positively aspected in February, March, July and November.
30 January 1911 to 17 February 1912–Metal Boar

16 February 1923 to 04 February 1924–Water Boar

04 February 1935 to 23 January 1936–Wood Boar

22 January 1947 to 09 February 1948–Fire Boar

08 February 1959 to 27 January 1960–Earth Boar

27 January 1971 to 14 February 1972–Metal Boar

13 February 1983 to 01 February 1984–Water Boar

31 January 1995 to 18 February 1996–Wood Boar

2003 will be a mixed year for you. On the positive side, you will have remarkable achievements at work especially in September and October. This will also be a good year to start a new business venture. Confidence and determination will be the two main factors for success in your career. On personal finance, this will not be a positive year. It is therefore best to keep a tight watch on expenditures. 2003 will also not be a good year to buy real properties.

Your health will generally be good but it will be advisable to take occasional breaks or vacations. This will be an emotional year for you as far as relationships are concerned. Take time out to improve relations with loved ones, for this will have long-lasting positive consequences.

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