Forward Fusion

When guys go out to party, dahlings, you can bet it’s got a formula of music, sports, tough trucks, gadgets–and girls! Recently, Forward magazine rounded up Manille’s hottest bands, hippest brands and babes at Eastwood City Walk to mark its 2nd anniversary with an adrenaline-pumping party dubbed F2+.

ed-in-chief TJ Manotoc unveiled the anniversary ish with cover girl Michelle Bayle. Radio gods and hosts Slick Rick and King DJ Logan of Boogie Nights, palanggas, set guests in a party mood with pulsating performances by Mojofly and Velcro. A highlight was a sizzling singled out game with Aliya Parcs, and the party continued with music, more gadgets and hot hot fashions.
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Aside from bringing us places, our feet set us dancing, swinging and jumping, dahlings. Now you can take care of your feet with pampering by Footloose Foot Salon. Its new branch in San Juan was courageously opened by Josie Bernardo and friends Fe Ng and Chit Dee, with ribbon snipping by Sen. Loi Ejercito.

Relaxing Thai foot massage, the Milk Footbath, an Egyptian beauty secret used by Cleopatra and the ultimate Foot Nirvana await you at Footloose in One Wilson Place, San Juan or Chemphil Bldg. in Pasay Road, Makati.
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Remember, palanggas, "The power of our Lord God within you is greater than the pressures around you." Smile. See you.

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