Thai’s Rocking

Like comrades in arms, the tres popular Dusit Hotel Nikko and the airline that flies "smooth as silk" Thai Airways International, led by their mega-popular GMs Chiyuki Fujimoto and Chertchai Methanayanonda, hosted a super-fun cocktail-dinner bash for the Thai community during a new moon.

Guest of honor Thai Ambassador Busba Bunnag breezed in with her tres friendly embassy staff, while the beauties of Thai Airways were easily the belles of the ball. Dusit’s Khun Manthana de Leon, Thai manager Khun Kullanit and Thai chef Khun Suwattee Teerapath were busy entertaining invitees, while other Dusit execs like Joey Bernardino, Rene Lapid, Albert Banaag, Rhea Rivera, Jhoanna Lim, Mike Celis and Lei Lopez all had a great time.

Embassy Minister Counsellor Chikarom Kitiyakara belted out several songs on the videoke, while most of the Thais had much fun dancing and singing Filipino and Thai favorites. The party, palanggas, was given in appreciation of the Thai community’s consistent support of Dusit Hotel and Thai Airways.
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Well, dahlings, half a full moon ago, the Artwalk’s gallery row was all a-twitter and glamgal Silvana Diaz’s Galleria Duemila was a-flutter anticipating the opening of ever-so-acclaimed Phyllis Zaballero’s latest show. Moi found out that her avid collectors bee-lined to reserve her new works really early, even before the paintings were hung! Come the big night they were all there to ooh and aah over her brilliant version of still life showing her Favorite Things!

Seen among the crowd gushing over the paintings were Alfredo and Beth Francisco, Ron Reibenbach, Pilar Singian, Tony Gonzalez, Sylvia Ventura, Mindy Gana, Bob Zozobrado, Erlinda Panlilio and so many more friends and fans!
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Remember, palanggas, "Even the smallest work done for our Lord Jesus Christ always has the greatest value." Smile. See you.

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