Three men were talking about their points of greatest weakness. The first said it was his inability to resist the temptation to drink. The second said, "Thats not my problem. What does bother me, however, is I cant control what I watch on videos." The third said nothing, so they prodded him. "Whats your greatest weakness?" He smiled and said, "Im not at all bothered by the two things you mentioned. However, I confess I do have a weakness." "What is it?" they asked solicitously. "I cant resist gossiping, and right now I can hardly wait to get out of here."
A chain is as strong as its weakest link, and you are as strong spiritually as the weakest area of your life. Have you taken a personal inventory? Where are you the most vulnerable when it comes to your spiritual life? Whats your greatest weakness?
Weakness of the flesh come in all sizes and descriptions. Some are internal. Some are external. Some are habits, some are thoughts. Some are secret, and others are obvious to everyone but ourselves.
Where is God in relation to your greatest flaws? Some may think God just ignores these flaws since Hes busy running the world. But that isnt what the Bible says. It says that He knows your flaws and your weaknesses. And how does He view them? Does He say, "Poor fellow, he cant help it; hes just human"? No, the Bible contends we are responsible for our failures. But the best news of all is that God says, "My strength is made perfect in weakness." "Where does it say that?" you may be asking.
Its part of a passage where Paul does some soul searching himselfin Pauls second letter to the Corinthians. God says, "My grace is enough; its all you need. It is sufficient to meet you at the point of your deepest need, no matter what it may be." And He adds, "My strength comes into its own in your weakness."
When you allow God to touch your life, admitting your weaknesses, His strength begins to reinforce your resolve to do right. And instead of being defeated over and over again, you are given the strength to do what is right by Gods Holy Spirit.
In all honesty, whats your weakness? Involved in an affair you know is wrong? Struggling with impure thoughts? Addicted to porn, alcohol? Or overcome by doubt and fear?
Gods grace is sufficient: His strength can fill the void of your personal weakness. But there is one more thought I must leave with you: God never forces Himself on you. As you invite Him, "Lord, fill and heal my weakness," He begins His work in you.
Resource Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:11-21