Tips for a stress-free life

Chinkee Tan.

Chinkee Tan is a motivational speaker, mentor, life coach and radio/TV and social media personality.

He is the radio anchor and host of Radyo Singko 92.3 News FM’s Chink Positive, the Best Special Program award winner at the 20th KBP Golden Dove Awards.

Known as “Mr. Chink Positive,” Chinkee is the author of 13 books, three of which are best sellers: Till Debt Do Us Part: Practical Steps To Financial Freedom, For Richer and For Poorer, and Rich God, Poor God.

With wife Novee Ann and children Kayla, Jethro and Destiny.

Chinkee is an inspiration to many with his wisdom and strength drawn from a life full of challenges. Born in Tondo, Manila of Chinese parentage, Chinkee is the eldest of three children. After his father experienced big losses in business, Chinkee started to realize the importance of perseverance and hard work at a very young age. The crisis brought him to Divisoria where he bought anything that he could peddle to classmates and friends, including toilet paper, to help augment their family income. That was when he discovered the value of savings. It was at this point that he developed his business acumen. Chinkee’s vision to become a millionaire was realized while still in his early twenties.        

The succeeding parts of Chinkee’s life have witnessed the realization of his vision to help others be financially secure and debt-free. When asked what his motto in life is, he was quick to quote the late American author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar: “Just help enough people get what they want and you will also get want you want in life.” But having fame and fortune also has stresses to it. 

Read on as Chinkee Tan shares how to live a stress-free life.

Speaking in front of more than 2,000 Department of Education educators in San Carlos, Pangasinan.

1. Avoid negative people. They can be the source of our loneliness so we must unfriend them if we want to have a positive outlook in life.

2. As much as possible, avoid loans and unnecessary expenses. Unpaid loans can bring anxiety and stress in our life so avoid borrowing money, especially for the sake of buying unnecessary things.

3. Do not envy other people’s success. Everyone has his or her own version of blessings. We must not envy other people’s success as it may bring hatred in our hearts.

4. Never try to impress other people. People who tend to impress other people always come up unhappy and not content.

5. Save funds for emergency purposes. Having emergency funds can make your life peaceful and stress-free because you do not need to worry in cases of emergency.

6. Have enough and proper sleep. Enough sleep is very vital in order to have a healthy mind and body that will result in a stress-free being.

With President Rodrigo Duterte and Honeylet Avanceña.

7. Do not entertain gossip. Gossip is like a poison that can destroy our mental wellness. So let us avoid them to have a clean and healthy life.

8. Travel and take a vacation with your family. Once in a while, we must treat our family to a vacation so we can relax and rest. Of course, we must have funds for this expense.

9. Eat healthy and delicious food. Because a healthy body will always give you a healthy life.

10. Always pray and communicate with the Lord. We will have a peaceful and stress-free life if God is in the center of our daily activities.

(We welcome your suggestions and comments. Please e-mail me at Follow me on Instagram @monsromulo.)

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