Birthday wishes for P-Noy: Good health, a vacay & a First Lady

Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” C. Aquino III was born on Feb. 8, 1960 at the FEU Hospital to Benigno S. Aquino Jr. and the former Corazon Cojuangco. He was the third child and the much-awaited baby boy for the young couple.

In his 53 years, Noynoy has probably seen it all — the highest mountains and the deepest valleys. But what makes him extraordinary is how he has responded to both by humbly accepting what he couldn’t change and by daring to change what he couldn’t accept.

He lived through his father’s seven-year incarceration and brutal assassination. He saw his mother become President, and suffered when she was stricken with cancer. He saw the outpouring of gratitude and support after her death and accepted the challenge to himself become President, saying that  like his parents, “I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror if there was something I could have done for the country but didn’t.”

Now in his third year in office, gaily-wrapped presents are piling at his doorstep — the latest, a verdict from the World Bank that, “the Philippines is no longer the sick man of Asia but the rising tiger… The fight against corruption is being waged with determination and it is paying off.” (Who could forget President Aquino’s campaign battlecry, “Kung walang corrupt, walang …”)


I asked his sisters, a cousin, his friends, a trusted co-worker in government  and two “men-on the-street” what their birthday wishes for the Man-of-the-Hour is.

Ballsy Aquino-Cruz — My birthday prayer is my daily prayer, that he will be guided by the Holy Spirit to make the right decisions, that Our Lord keep him healthy and safe, that he will not do anything that will hurt God and Mother Mary and the majority of the Filipinos will continue to support him and be pleased with his governance.

Pinky Aquino-Abellada — Personal happiness on top of my daily prayers for his good health, continued trust from the people and success in making majority of Filipinos enjoy a better life.

Viel Aquino-Dee — Every night, I pray for P-Noy’s good health and that in leading the country, he remains sincere, humble and with a kind heart.

Kris Aquino — He is so loving and generous with his time and effort, most especially for Josh and Bimb. Since he is already doing such a great job with the Presidency, I now wish him true and lasting happiness in his personal life. May he find a life partner who will give him a loving home and hopefully makahabol pa ng one or two kids.

DILG Secretary Mar Roxas — Someone to love who truly loves him.

PAGCOR chairman and friend Cristino “Bong” Naguiat  Jr. — I think he has proven himself as a good President and it’s about time that he should take a vacation for at least a week like any normal and hardworking human being.

Rapa Cojuangco Lopa, his first cousin — May he find fulfillment in knowing that his sacrifice is truly changing many lives for the better.

Quezon City Councilor and friend Joseph Juico — Since P-Noy has been taking care of our country and turning it around, it would be nice if he can find someone who can take care of him… A First Lady would be nice.

Abeth Behing, a househelper and a P-Noy supporter — Unang-una, good health.

May Ebon, a househelper and P-Noy supporter — More blessings and good health.


President Aquino said at the Bulong Pulungan Christmas party last December he doesn’t heed all advice given him,  and I suppose, not all birthday wishes (hints, actually) given to him. But he respects the giver of advice, solicited or not, because “I believe in freedom of speech.”

I think he is truly grateful for all the best wishes given to him on his birthday, but I also think he will probably postpone working for the realization of some of them.

As he said last Christmas, his job, “is to think of myself last.”

Happy Birthday, P-Noy!

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