Video of the Day: McDonalds 'selfie' commercial

screengrabbed from YouTube

MANILA, Philippines – The social media trend called "selfie" has taken over the world by storm. Selfie is a self-portrait photograph, which is done by taking a photo of yourself with a hand-held camera.

Time magazine dubbed the word “selfie” as one of the 10 most buzzed word in 2012.  There are different kinds of selfies- from the bedroom, bathroom, elevator- in other words, selfie from all places where it is possible. Almost everyone is taking a selfie, but the younger crowd seems to be the most involved in the phenomenon.

Proving that not only the young generation can pull it off and setting the limitations aside, McDonalds Philippines released an advertisement showing an adorable “lolo” taking a selfie . This just simply shows that creativity and technology have no boundaries.



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